fighting Metal Sonic

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"What the?!" Sonic said.

Tails points at the dismantle robot that still has wires sticking out of his body. Sparks are seen crackling around the body.

"It's Metal Sonic!" Tails yells out.

Carol's eyes widens in shock. "That's the robot we saw in that airship!"

Metal Sonic starts fleeing away as fast as possible.

"He's getting away! We can't let him get away with the chaos emerald!" Sonic said.

Lilac's face expression changes to a surprised look. "Chaos emer-"

Sonic dashing off stops her in mid sentence.

"Hey wait up!" Lilac yells out dashing off. While Metal Sonic is flying away as fast as possible, Sonic is on his tail trying to catch up. He's dodging most of the trees that are standing in his way which is making him slow down a bit.

"Darn it!" Said Sonic.

"Need some help?!" Sonic looks at his side and sees that Lilac has caught up with him which deeply surprises him. He has yet to meet someone that can catch up with him with ease for the exception of Shadow.

Sonic smirks and sticks his thumbs up. "Yeah! Let's go!"

Sonic increases his speed as Lilac does the same. Metal Sonic looks back at them noticing that they're catching up.

As he was flying, Lilac jumps in the air and does a 360 spin. "Cyclone!"

She knocks him back on the ground and makes him drop the chaos emerald. When the emerald hit the ground, it rolls on the ground, and hits a tree stump. Metal Sonic bounced on the ground a couple times, then crashes into a tree. He slowly gets up and sees Sonic coming towards him with his spin dash. Metal Sonic quickly hops out the way causing Sonic to hit the tree instead. Metal sees the emerald near a tree stump. He runs towards it, but instead he gets kicked in the face by Lilac. Pieces of him flies everywhere in the air. As he stumbles back, Sonic's fist lands on his face causing more pieces to fall out of him. He stumbles back again, but soon stands there making an opening for the two. Sonic and Lilac dash towards him at the same time.

"Let's finish this!" Sonic excitingly yells out.

"Let's do this!" Said Lilac.

Both characters smashed the robot's head, by colliding their fists onto each other. Metal Sonic's body falls limp on the ground, ending the fight. Sonic and Lilac sighs in relief. Sonic walks up to the glowing emerald and picks it up.

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