not from this world?

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Meanwhile with Eggman, with all the long exhausting hours of walking, he finally found shang mu, a huge kingdom that is controlled by Mayor Zao. Eggman looks how large the kingdom is with amazement.

"Whoa... This can't be mobius..." He's standing at a steep hilltop looking at the beauty of the place.

"Oh no... Looks like I have to slide down..." Moments later, Eggman is screaming at the top of his lungs as he's sliding down the hill. He soon reaches the very bottom, having grass stains on his clothes. Eggman gets up and dusts himself off.

He then looks up and sees how close he's to the kingdom. "Maybe i'll find answers there..."

Little did he know that someone was following him. "Darn! We missed him! If he's not back, I have no choice but to follow him in shang mu." The mysterious figure explained to other mysterious figures.

Meanwhile outside the treehouse, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles explained to the girls that they're not from the world they live on. It shocked them completely.

"So hold on, you mean that you're not from this world?" Carol asked.

Tails shakes his head. "Nope, we're from somewhere else."

Sonic takes out the chaos emerald. "Remember me telling you that the chaos emerald have powers? That's what I mean. The chaos emeralds allow us to travel through time and space. That's why we need to find those emeralds so we can go back home."

Lilac rubs her muzzle, thinking.

"I would love to help our new friends go home." Milla offering to help Team Sonic.

Lilac looks at them, smirking. "If Milla is helping, then we're helping you."

Carol's eyes widens.

Sonic smirks as well, happy that they have friends that are willing to help. "Really? Thanks!"

"Oh no! I rather not get involved into dangerous situations. Especially the incident that happened two years ago." Carol said.

Team Sonic looks at her puzzled.

"Hiding something from us?" Knuckles asks a little rudely.

"No... It's a long story, i'll tell it in another time. As for now, let's go look for Those chaos emeralds." Lilac said.

Carol sighs. "You know what? I'm going to join Since there's nothing else better to do."

Lilac pats her back excitingly. "That's the spirit."

Carol rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah... Just let me get my motorcycle."

She walks away.

Tails scratches his head awkwardly. "She has a motorcycle?"

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