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Everybody calls me a blessing, an angel sent from heaven. I'm the second off spring of the head family, making me the princess everyone loves.

Then someone said something..

"You're far from a blessing! You're a curse!"

It came from the Mother of my Mother, My Grandmother. She looked at me like I'm a hideous beast.

She was mentally ill and she's being treated that time I pass by in front of her.

"Mother! Please don't say that to Sayuki.." Father said.

"I'm not lying she's bad luck! She's a curse! Go kill her already!" I watched her as she tried to escape from the grasp of my Father's men.

She looks like she wanted to harm me in any possible way that time.

Of course the 5 years old me shrugged it off and continued to pay attention to Mother's teaching.


I have a brother older than me, we don't talk to each other because he's to busy.

"Yuki-chan! I'm your Onii-chan!" He flashed me a smile.

That's the first time he ever talked to me.

I don't really play a lot. I do play music, train and sew things to pass time because I'm not allowed to go outside the main house and play with the other Gojo children.

Sometimes, I'll glance outside the big window beside me while the head maid teaches me how to do an embroider flower.

"Sayuki-sama.. Listen to what I'm teaching you.. I'm afraid you want your Mother to hear this?" She said. With a cold voice.

I immediately avert my eyes and look at my work like it's the only thing that matters now.

Mother and Father is super strict. They want their son to be the strongest and their daughter to be the perfect girl everyone could ask for.

We were born from a loveless marriage. They will say things like, 'As expected from you' and 'you two are our pride and joy'..


I couldn't feel any emotions behind those words..

I couldn't feel the warmth that was supposed to be inside them.

This place is cold. The only thing that makes this place warm is Nii-chan.
Nii-chan sees me as his little sister, not the blessing, the princess, she sees a left out kid who wants attention from both parents.


I remember it.. The first time I used my eyes.

Onii-chan wasn't home that time. He's home late as always.

I saw some children playing, I was wondering.. Is it really fun? Playing with the others I mean..

I climbed the window when no one is looking. My heart is beating so fast. Am I really doing this?

But before finding out the answer to my questions, A hand gripped my arm preventing me to go.

"I'm so disappointed to you.." Father looked at me with his cold eyes.

He threw me inside a room. It was hidden on the basement and it's so big and full of of those monsters.

I cried.

And Cried.

And Cried..

I wanted to see my Nii-chan..

Then something happened, Those monsters exploded when I looked at them.

"That's it!" Father exclaimed. "I know you can do it.." He said.

I finally used my six-eyes officially at the raw age of 7.

Then the training started to get rough. Bruises will pile up on my body, trying to become the perfect daughter that my Parents and Clan expected me to be.


There's this time when I found Nii-chan sitting near the pond. He looked at me and smiled then he pat the seat beside him motioning me to come.

Just like the good little kid I am, I shook my head indicating no. I'm not allowed to go outside this house.

"It's fine.. Nobody will see you.." He put his finger on his lips.

That's the first time I left the house. I can finally feel what those green things they called grass feels like! And it's ticklish!

"You know.. I was 11 when I heard that I'm having a little sister/brother." He started. "Then you came!" He looks so happy. "I have a cute little sister with full potential!"

"Does.. Does Mother and Father loves us?" My voice sounded small and weak compared to his lively one.

"Of course!" He said. ".. Sayuki.. I will save you from this house.. Okay?" He smiled looking at my bruised arms and face.

"You don't have to be perfect to accepted.." He said softly hugging me tight. "Onii-chan will accept you for who you are.."

That makes me tear up.

"Someday.. You'll find someone who will accept you too.." He smiled.


"I'll take Sayuki with me." Onii-chan said hiding me behind him.

"Satoru. I know you want to be an independent man.." Mother sighed.
"But please don't take your little sister to your stupidity!" That's the first time Mother raised her voice.

"I don't want to argue.. Mother.. Father.." Satoru said calmly. "My sister wants to go explore the outside world.." His eyes looks soft when he looked at me.
"Right? Yuki-chan?

" I—" looking at Mother and Father's cold eyes I started to sob.

"Of course she won't go with you Satoru.. She wants her sweet Mother.. Right? My child?" She cooed motioning me to come.

"N-No!" that sine reply makes them frroze. "I don't wanna live here anymore! I want Onii-chan! Onii-chan is warm! He loves me unlike you two!"

"How dare you raise your voice to your Mother!" Father stood up.

"I won't let you touch her again.. Father." Onii-chan said. "How can a Father throw his 7 years old daughter inside a room full of curses like a man in a death row?!"

"We didn't taught you to talk back to us!" Mother said.

"Onii-chan..." I gripped his shirt tighter.

"You know I did that to make her stronger.." Father said.

"You bet half of her life just to make her stronger? What a father you are.." Onii-chan spat.
"From now on.. She's going to live with me."




𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝑶𝒇 🇧 🇱 🇺  🇪  - 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑑✔︎Where stories live. Discover now