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*General POV*
"Your locker is number 421, here is your key and I'll load your fingerprint up in just a sec." Trudy said abruptly
"Great! Thank you Sergeant.. um sergeant.." the fresh faced young detective stuttered as she racked her brain for the Surname.
"Platt, Trudy Platt. Remember that kid because I'm ain't telling you more than once." Trudy Frowned

*Hailey shifted uncomfortably from side to side as a stoney silence fell between the two officers"

"Get going kid I'll buzz you up" Trudy said, a warmer look spreading across her face.
*hailey breathed out, relived at the shift in uncomfortable tone, she waited for the buzzer eagerly jogged up the stairs*
Trudy look on at the young detective so excitedly bouncing up the stairs and a soft smile peaked at the corners of her mouth.

*Hailey's POV*

As I reached the last step, a wave of adrenaline hit me. I was here, I had worked my ass off for 7 years to climb this flight of stairs and I was finally here. I suppressed an eager smile as I turned the corner to intelligence.

I stepped into the room, 3 guys and a girl all had their backs to the door; I had done my research so I knew their names, Adam Ruzeck, Kim Burgess, Kevin Atwater and Hank voight. I could have sworn there was someone else but I couldn't put my finger upon who.
I cleared my throughly slightly in the hope that they would acknowledge my presence. Nobody turned. I agree introductions in general, let alone when I'm the one being introduced.
I took a breath.
"Er hi everyone.."
Upon hearing my voice they all turned, and upon seeing me they all broke into smiles and introduced themselves, Voight was first to shake my hand and gripped it in a firm, but friendly manner.
"Hey Kid, welcome to intelligence" his husky voice wasn't as intimidating as I had imagined it would be.
Kim gave me a hug and I hugged back, relived at the warm welcoming I was receiving.
"Hey Hailey I'm Adam, how ya doing?"
"Kevin, or Kev or Atwater, whatever you wanna call me it's chill."

Looking at the room I chuckled in my head, various posters about crime were plastered against the wall, but among stood a fair about of comical ones too. A weapon cabinet was mounted against the left wall with various items of torture I dreaded to think couldn't I to you.
The room had 5 desks, all though one seemed to be empty, which I assumed was for me.
"This mine?" I uttered bravely.
"Sure is" Kim replied' helping me with my various piles of paperwork I had hauled with me from the parking lot.
As I bent down to shift boxes, I heard a voice, gentle and warm coming from the entrance.
"Hi Sarge sorry im late"
"Don't make it a habit, anyway, this here is Det. Hailey Upton."
I whipped my head from under my desk and dusted my hands on a blue flannel shirt I was wearing.
I looked up to see a wand stuck out, I gripped it and shook.
"Jay Halstead"

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