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A/n POV:
??? saw BTS heading to their basement. ??? Guessed y/n fell asleep. After that ??? made sure they closed the door of their basement and headed towards y/n's room aka jimin's room.

??? Slowly went inside the room, closed the door and turned on the lights and saw y/n cuddling the pillow. ??? Saw y/n's hand, her bandage already changed. ??? Went beside y/n and slowly started shaking her.

??? : Unnie wake up.
She groaned.
??? : Unnie, wake up. We don't have much time.

Y/n POV:
I heard someone calling and shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the room's light.

Y/n: ah Rose, I'm sorry I fell asleep.
[Y/n is dressed in jimin's shirt , And of course jimin did it before he headed out]

Rose: you worked so hard unnie.  Now way you can be awake. Also_

I looked at her enquiryly on what she wanted to say,
Rose: After seeing the marks on your neck I can also see that you had a long night. That h*rny ass(jimin) never control himself. You are injured still he did it.

I blushed and looked down and smiled. I didn't want to tell her that I was the one who made the move, so I stayed silent. She just chuckled.

Y/n: So what actually happened after I fainted.

Rose: About that, after you faited we shifted you to Lisa unnie's room upstairs and treated you. Then jimin oppa called to your phone, jisso unnie attended it and told him that we both were attacked  and they(BP) saved us while coming that way.

Y/n: Blood for me and my tattoos. I remember I tore  my last fake skin too.

Rose: Ahh that Lisa unnie gave you blood and as far as for tatoo I had some extra skin.
I nodded acknowledging her.

Rose: what are we gonna do now unnie?
Y/n: Now, Jimin will not let me leave the Mansion. Get all my Mafia things - my phone, laptop, files, details, everything, have a copy for you guys too.

Rose: but unnie it'll be dangerous for us to maintain everything here.
Y/n: it's fine as long as he don't suspect  us. Also  There's no other way for us to do these.

She sighed and said Okay.

Rose: About EXO?
Y/n: Those bastards. I knew they would attack but didn't expect it to be this fast. Tomorrow bring Lisa and jisoo with you while getting the things.
If jimin asks let's just say they are having a stayover here. Get my things inside after jimin get to his office. Oh BTW how are jisoo and Lisa. They too got some hurtings.

Rose: they are now good unnie. I spoke with them.

Y/n: hmm okay.
Rose: that's it. I'm going now. Good night unnie~
Y/n: Night parka~

Meanwhile with BTS:
A/n POV:

They all walked in silence and reached their meeting room. They all entered in and settled in their places.

Jm: what do you guys think of today?
Jk: was hectic. But something was strange with y/n Noona and Rose Noona.

Suga: I agree. They were sharp as bullets. How did y/n found that a bullet is fired. Her voice, that was such an authoritic voice.

Rm: Umm. Guys, what are you taking about?
Jm: oh, sorry guys. We forgot to tell you the things that happened before you came.

Then jimin, jungkook and yoongi told them what happen before they came.

Tae: so basically, she saved Jimin and Rose.
Jk: not basically but that is what she exactly did.

Jm pov:
As I told and  listened to them, I remember how y/n saved us and how rose moved without even thinking like it was her routine to dodge it. I remembered what y/n said while we were eating. Is there something I don't know? I started wandering in my thoughts until,

Hobi: jimina, what do you think of this.
Jm: IDK hyung.
I sighed.

Jin: jimina, I have an idea to find the MMQ.

Everyone's notice went to him.

Hobi: how hyung?
Jin: listen everyone.

A/n POV:
Jin told them what to do?

Jk: woah! Daebak.
Jm: Hyung that's - that's  and awesome idea.
Jin: I know that's why I'm amajin.
Hobi: then let's execut this.

Rm: I'll call technician Kai and inform him.
Suga: I'll go with him and arrange the things needed.
Tae: but what are we gonna do when we find who she is?

Jm: I just wanna know who she is and why is she helping us, her background. Do you guys remember she always wore a bulletproof vest whenever she helped us but today she was like she just came in hurry or from a ruckus.
Also remember they were always grouped as 4 but today the first 2 came and then only the other two joined kinda late. And the main thing is how they got to know there was an attack that fast. I was not even a few moments, they reached there.

Rm: so, you are saying there is someone in us who informs them.
Jm: Yes hyung. And also they are near us 24/7.  They are someone who is extremely close to us. Remember the bananamilk incident, she knows that but how? No answer for that

Suga: jimina why not tryna asking y/n. She knows her right?
Jm: I can't hyung, she clearly said she cannot say anything about her. I can never force her. Even if I can I'll never do that.

Hobi: Then, how about we ask her where they met and how she got the USB.
Jm: Maybe I can try but I'm not sure if she'll say.

Then jimin saw the time and found it was midnight.

Jm: it's midnight guys, let's go to sleep. Also hyung don't forget to call Kai.  Night guys.

Remaining members: Good Night.

Then all stood up and went out of their meeting room to their own rooms while going to his room he found Rose's room still lit up.

He wondered what and went to knock her door but she was speaking on her phone. He wondered to whom she was speaking in that late night. Just as he was about to listen someone called him. He turned and saw_____

Author's Note:
Hey guys, this is Darls again. How ya' guys doing? Hope you are doing good. I know I wrote some bullshits in today's chapter. Sorry for my mistakes. Also sorry for late update. Anyway who do you think Rose was speaking to??? And who called jimin??? Okay until your next chapter this is Darls signing off. Bye👋👋👋

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