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A/n: His knuckles nerves are enough to drive me insane and go crazy over him👆👆👆.

Y/n POV:
Y/n/Rose: They did what.
Lisa: Actually_

Flashback - Morning

Lisa POV:
Jisoo unnie and I woke up and was packing the stuffs that are needed to continue our work at y/n's house. I was about to go to my room that was upstairs but I heard someone speaking.

I carefully went our through the storeroom and hid behind the wall and took a peek-a-boo at what was going on there.

Technician Kai, suga and RM were there with some of their members. I wondered what they were doing and continued to listen what they were speaking but only to get shOOk.

Yoongi(suga) POV:
We came to the shop, just then Kai came. He came out and joined us with his tool kits.
Kai: Morning Hyung. It's been a very long time since we last met.

Rm: Morning Kai or should I say technician Kai.
Suga: Yeah, look at you now being the best mafia technician in your field.

Kai: Aww hyung.*hid his face in his hands* You guys were the one who motivated me to become this successful. Btw where are the others. Also this is your first time contacting me to this kind of work.

Suga:  Yes, It's someone important's case. That's why.
Kai: So, where is that place?
Rm: Let's get inside.

We then went inside and stood on the spot where HER BLOOD was dripped down. It had completely dried on the floor.

Lisa POV:
I listened to what they were saying,

Kai: Is this the blood I should extract?

BLOOD. What blood I thought in my mind and peeked there to only find them standing on the spot where y/n's blood dripped earlier. "What are they doing? And why would they extract it?" I thought to myself. 

Suga: Yes.

Kai started examining it. He took something from his tool kit and started to take the blood for sample. He took three to four samples and stood up.

Kai: The blood has dried a lot. It might take some time to identify the *DNA* in this blood.

Rm: Can you make it within two days cuz it is more important.

Kai: I'll try my best to get it hyung. BTW how will you find the person with only DNA.

Suga: Jin hyung will compare it with the other DNA's of people in the hospitals all around the world by hacking their systems. So, this will definitely work we guess cuz everyone will atleast go to hospital once in their life.

Rm: Kai, you should not even have a single copy of the report. Make two copies of the report and give it to us okay? We called you for this cuz we can only trust with this.

Kai: Don't worry hyung. I won't break your trusts.

Suddenly we heard something falling inside. We rushed there and saw but nothing or no one was there.

Suga: I guess someone was here.*suspicious  look around the  room*

I looked around  and found  a vase down. I looked around  the  room to find  if anything is suspicious but nothing. I went around the room. But I cannot find  anything.  There is no way to the  room other than the  front door.

Kai: Hyung I have works in lab. So, imma take my leave.

Suga: Okay. You can go , Also try to make it as soon as possible.

Kai: I will Hyung.

Then kai went leaving me and Rm.

Rm: Hyung shall we go? It's more than 8AM. We should head to the company to. We have  a meeting with Choi's at 9:00AM in the  marketing department.

I nodded and then we left from there.

Lisa POV:
As I was watching and listening I unconsciously hit a vase and it made a loud noise. Everyone there turned to the side where I was standing. I immediately went from there to the basement as I didn't want to be caught by them.

I held my chest as I was breathing hard from running from there. Jisoo unnie noticed and came towards me asking

Jisoo: why the hell are you panting like someone had just choked you_

I immediately held her mouth with my palm so that she wouldn't speak anymore. She raised her eyebrows at me. I wispered her

Lisa: They are upstairs.
Jisoo: They? Who do you mean by "THEY"? EXO?

Lisa:  I saw Technician Kai,. Rm and Yoongi there, upstairs.
Jisoo: Technician Kai? What was *HE* doing there?

I told her what happened upstairs from tip to toe.

Jisoo: We should immediately inform this to y/n. She must know something to do about this cuz she's in the same house with them right.

Lisa: We are going to her mansion right. We can ask about those things there.

She nodded at me. We looked upstairs and found they had already left. So we too took our things and left from the place to reach the Park Mansion.

End of flashback

Y/n POV:
As i listened to them I got shook. I didn't know anything about it. I immediately need to make a plan to prevent them from finding it at least till the EXO mission. Suddenly Rose spoke getting me out of my trance.

Rose: what should we do now unnie?

Y/n: Don't worry guys. I'm sure Jimin will spill something about it to me. The results will be with him only right, let's steal them without him knowing. Since there'll be no copies with Kai, it'll take a long time for them to prepare the results again. Within this time period we can complete our mission without getting caught. Okay?

Lisa/jisoo: Yes boss.

Y/n: Now about EXO. I already informed those trashes if they didn't join with me in this mission I'll not let them go even near BTS, still they tested my patience.
We are going to show them what we really can do. It might be risky to manage this special mission before the last mission and from Jimin but it is also very important that they(EXO) should know who they are messing with.
If they agree to the plan they'll die my husband's hands. If they didn't let's just kill them by this special mission itself.

Jisoo: Special Mission? What special mission?

Lisa: Yes unnie, what is it? You didn't say anything about this.

Y/n: I was thinking if we should really do this but the situation is making me use this tactics to get then in our net.

Rose: Oh okay then.

Jisoo: Now, spill the plan y/n-ah.

Y/n: Okay, LISTEN_

Then I explained my plan to them.

Lisa: But it is too much risky. What will you tell jimin for this? He will not allow you go outside. Also your hand is still not fully recovered.

Y/n: Don't worry guys. This is nothing compared to the pain I got in the past. I'll manage jimin by saying something. Tomorrow we gonna show them what will happen if they mess with the MYSTERY MAFIA QUEEN*evil smirk*

Author's note:
Hey guys, this is me again. How ya' guys doing? Hope you are doing good. Sorry for the late update. My school has started again. As I'm an highchool student I have shit tons of assignments and homeworks to complete. That's why I cannot post it soon. This should've been posted in August itself. I'm sorry again. And don't worry I and Darls will never stop writing this story like some author's(no offence) who left their story incomplete. We'll definitely complete this story and write the next story. Also if there's any mistake kindly inform me so that I can change. I guess I'm speaking a lot. Anyway Until your next chapter this is Me signing off. Bye👋👋👋

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