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Just then we heard a knock. I said "Come In". Jin Hyung came in.

Jin: y/n-ah don't move your hand.
He said to y/n. She just sulked and pouted.

Jin: don't sulk y/n-ah. Is it hurting?
Y/n: yes, it hurts
She said with tears in her eyes. I hugged and patted her head.

Jm: Don't cry baby. It'll go away. Hyung do something. she's in pain.
Now I had tears in my eyes..

Jin: Aish, these love birds. Jimin move from her, I wanna inject her. Then she can eat and take her medicine.

Y/n: no, I don't want injection.
Jm: Baby, you should take the injection else it will pain alot. Here hold my hand.

I said extending my hand. She took my hand and nodded. I moved from her. Jin Hyung injected her.

Just then the rest of bangtan and rose came in. She came shouting "unnie" and hugged y/n tightly.

Rose: UNNIE. You are awake.
She winced in pain.

Rose: I'm sorry.
I smacked her head.

Rose: Ouch, why was that for?
Jm: For causing her pain. Now, how are your wounds? Did you change the bandaids?

Rose: yeah, u did. But oppa?
Jm: yeah, what?

Rose: Even though you act like you don't care, you always care for me. You're still the warm oppa I know. I love you oppa.

She said and hugged me tightly. Without knowing a smile formed on my lips. I hugged and patted her head.

Jin: what about us then?
Rose: I love you all oppa.

All bangtan and rose then hugged in a group hug. We then heard a. Whinning sound. We all turned and saw y/n with a cute pout and whinning.

Y/n: Ahhh, All are hugging without me. Ahhh

Tae:Jinja(really)? Are you really just for this cupcake?

Then we all went and hugged her without touching her lady hand. [She is still in bed lol]

Jin: okay okay kiddos. Let's go and eat.
Then they all left.

Y/n POV:
I m really happy to have bangtan and BP with me. I suddenly remembered my phone but I shrugged it off as I can ask that later.

I also didn't know what actually happened I fainted. I can ask it later I guess. I wanna know about Lisa and jisoo. Are they good? I came out of my thoughts when I felt like being lifted.

Y/n: Baby, I got shot in my hand not in my leg you know?
I said giggling.

Jm: shh baby, I'm not gonna let you walk after what happened? I'm going to carry you in my arms forever.

I just giggled and put my right hand on his nape and pulled him closer. Our lips were just an inch away. Just as it was about to touch someone shouted burst opening the door.

Jk: Jiminssi, Noona-
He saw us and stopped.
Jm: Ahh, can't I even kiss my wife in peace.

Jk: Ahem, I just came to call you guys for eating. All are waiting for you guys.Complete your session and come fast.
He said with a tiny of pink on his cheek and left.

As soon as kookie(jk) be left I slammed my lips on jimin's plump lips. He kissed me with the same passion. We pulled out of breath. We then caught our breath.

Jm: what was that for?
Y/n: Nothing. Just missed my baby's lips.

Jm: Hmm so are you satisfied now?
Y/n: Yes.
I said mumbling in his crook.

Jm: then let's go down. They are waiting for us.

Then we headed downstairs. Ofcource he is carrying me.

Jin: yah, what took you guys so long huh? Why was this kiddo(jk) blushing?what did you guys do?

I hid my face in his crook and kissed it mumbling

Y/n: say something baby?
Jm: No-nothing we were just spe-speaking yeah speaking.
Jimin sat on the chair and put me on his lap.

Tae: just day you two were making out.
We both blushed.

Y/n: hyung, I'm gonna kill you with my own hands.
Tae: cupcake, first let your arm heal. Then we can take about killing me with your hands
He teasingly said with a laugh.

Y/n: he doesn't really know me. Well everyone will know very soon"
I smirked and mumbled to myself.

I heard what y/n mumbled. But why'd she say that. Is she hiding something? No no it must be my imagination. We then ate. O kept feeding her as usual. She then suddenly asked

Y/n: How'd you guys find me?
Rose: After you fainted, the Mafia Queen's members helped us and took us with them to our flower shop. They brought their medical kits and rmtreated us. Red unnie removed the bullet and white unnie have you blood. Then,

Jm: Then, when we called your phone after finding out you guys didn't reach home. They said you were shot. We came to our shop and saw you there getting treated. They avndaided you and left.

I said when my phone went off. I checked it and saw it was some business files I need to check. I started checking it while still sitting on my chair with y/n on me.

Y/n POV:
After listening to then. I saw Rose. When her gaze met mine she sighed. I raised my eyebrows at her. She made sure no one is watching and then signed something with her hands.

I nodded my head when I understood what she said. She said that we should meet and sort somethings. But what we didn't know is that there were two pairs of eyes watching eyes.

Yoongi's POV:
As I turned to get some water, I noticed rose signing something to y/n. I understood what she said as we all learned sign language in our Mafia training. But I shrugged it off thinking it might be some girl stuff.

I completed checking the files and raised my head. Suddenly, Rose caught my attention. I noticed that's he signed something.

I carefully read what she was saying without her noticing. I saw around the dining table but none was watching then is saw y/n.

She nodded her head right after Rose completed signing. Then y/n suddenly called me

Y/n: baby?
Jm: h-huh?
Y/n: I'm tired. Let's go sleep.
Jm: but we just woke baby.
Y/n: though in tired.
Jm: then let's go.
I said pecking her forehead. I then turned to the members and said,

Jm: guys, we are going to sleep. Good night.
Jin: y/n-ah take your tablets okay? Goodnight.

Y/n: okay Oppa, Good Night.
Jk: goodnight Noona, goodnight Jiminssi.
Tae: goodnight jimina,. Goodnight cupcake.

Y/n: Good Night kookie, Good Night hyung.
Rm/Hobi: Good Night guys.
Jm/ y/n : goodnight
Suga: take care y/n-ah Good Night, Night jimin.
Y/n/ y/n: Good Night oppa/hyung.
Rose: Good Night oppa and unnie.
Y/n /Jm: Night Rose

He then took me bridal style to our room.

Y/n: baby I'm fine. I can walk.
I giggled and said. He too giggled and said,

Jm: that's not b'coz you're shot baby, it's b'coz I care for you.

I stopped giggling and look at him. His eyes full of love staring right into my soul. He started forwarding towards me. I too started forwarding towards him.


Author's Note:
Hey guys, I'm back. How ya'guys doing? Hope you are doing good. I'm as usual sorry for uploading late. Forgive me🙏. BTW what do you guys think happened there to stop then from kissing. Don't forget to comment and vote. Also Don't forget to stream " Permission to dance". I had the thought of post on Friday exactly the same time as PTD but it got postponed. I spoke too much I guess. Okay until your next chapter this is Darls signing off. Bye👋👋👋

Mystery Mafia Queen😈. Park jimin ff  [ONGOING]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin