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A/n POV:
As jimin was about to listen to Rose's convo with whoever it it but was called by someone. He turned and saw RM calling him.

He went to him and asked
Jm: what is it hyung?

Rm: oh. I asked Kai. He said he'll come sharp at 7:00AM. I texted suga hyung about it. Also Kai will come straight to the place so me and suga hyung will head ahead there before 6:45AM. Do you wanna come join us there?

Jm: No hyung. I'm having a President meeting tomorrow at our company tomorrow also I have some works to manage there.
RM: do you want me accompany you there, I can exchange Jin for me and come there?

Jm: No need hyung. Tae and Kookie are coming with me.  We'll take care of that. Carefully lead the idea hyung. It is the only way we have.
RM: don't worry jimina. We will. BTW what were you doing simply standung over there?

Jm: Ah that's nothing hyung. I was just spaced out. Nothing more.
Rm: okay then Good night
Jm: good night hyung

Then RM went to his room. Jimin wanted to go to Rose's rooms and ask her with whom she was speaking at this hour but her room was was already lit off.

So he headed to his room. Too many thoughts were bugging his mind. What? When? Who? Why? He was restless.

He went to his room and found his angel cuddling the pillow he kept [after Rose left y/n took the pillow jimin kept and cuddled it to sleep].

He went beside her and laid. He carefully pulled y/n closer to him and fell asleep with the thought that were bugging his mind.

Time skip-Morning

I woke up and saw the time. It was almost 5:45. I sat up in the bed and rubbed my face to get rid of my dizzyness.

I carefully took y/n's leg which was on me and kept it in a pillow wfor her to cuddle.

I refreshed my self and went down. Suga hyung and RM hyung were drinking coffee.

I greeted them a good  morning and went inside the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

I took my coffee and came out and sat with them. Rm hyung got a call. So he went to attend it. Then suga hyung started speaking,

Suga: Jimina we are heading to the shop.
Jm: oh okay hyung.

I saw RM hyung come towards us.

RM: Kai said he is on his way to the shop.
Jm: okay hyung. Call me if you need anything.

Suga/Rm: okay. Then we're going. Bye.
Then they both headed towards the wasted flower shop.

Timeskip - 8:30AM

Y/n POV:
I woke when I found emptiness near me. I sat up and found he had already left. "Today I have a lot of works to do" I thought to myself and went to the bathroom to refresh myself.

I refreshed and went downstairs as I felt like I'm hungry. I went to the kitchen and saw jimin , Hobi oppa, Jin oppa, Tae and kookie eating there.

I wondered where Rm oppa and suga oppa went. I went to them and covered jimin's eyes from behind.

The others chuckled at me. I smiled at them. Jimin took my hands which was on his eyes and kissed it and said

Jm: Baby, you woke.
Y/n: Yes but you left me *cute pout*
Jm: you were sleeping baby. That's why I don't wake you up. Now come let's eat.

I nodded and sat on his lap. He started feeding me the pancakes he was eating before.

I was curious on where suga oppa and RM oppa went cuz they'll always greet me. So, I asked,

Mystery Mafia Queen😈. Park jimin ff  [ONGOING]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum