chapter 11

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Even the sain becomes mental , we all have are very own demon.


Rubbing my eyes and sitting awake I glance at my phone for time . Six am great and checking the date I see it's Friday and I roll my eyes , that damn dinner is tonight and honestly I plan on not going .

Deciding me and my crew need a break from school I suggest we stayed home for the day which they didn't complain about so rolling back over and closing my eyes I let sleep take over me once again .


Waking up from my sleep I see Lena standing in front of my bed . I roll my eyes and look at the clock on the wall that reads six am , great one more day of school before we have two hole days of no school. Remembering Lena is standing there I avert my eyes back her way and give her a look to start talking .

She sighs before she speaks .

"tonight is the dinner so don't do anything stupid today that'll make .A. Not want to come. "

yet again I'm full of anger does everyone think Of me stupid ?! Seeing the look on my face she walks out of my room leaving me to dress .

Once finished handling my business and getting dressed I make my way down to already see Lena and Ryan . without a word we make are way to the garage and start are cars and head to school. After a good thirty minutes we make it to school and park are cars , not seeing fireball or her crew cars I scrunch my face up in confusion.

Stepping out my car Lena and Ryan faces are the same .

"Maybe they had to handle something before school ?"

I look over at Lena , handle something and not tell us ?

"I mean she did say unless it's dealing with us everything else we don't need to know so it's possible"

I smack my teeth she's right .
Whatever let's just get today over with .

Hours later

School today went by extremely slow . I've called fireball three times already and she hasn't answered. Walking out to the parking lot I see Ryan and Lena already there , walking up to my car and getting in . Fireball not showing up for school today really has me in a bad mood after a few minutes me and my crew are back home . Getting out me and my friends decide to watch Tv in the living room before fireball and her crew come to dinner tonight.


over the phone

Jason: are you sure ?
Unknown: positive
Jason : don't touch it . Be there in ten.

Looking at the time I see it's six o'clock hearing how the house is quiet I say everyone is still sleeping . Honestly can't believe we slept for so long but now we have to handle business I swear people can't handle shit .

Dragging myself out of bed and getting dressed I go to wake amber first. walking into her room she's asleep as expected but amber is a light sleeper so it won't take long to wake her up . I just shook her a bit and she was up I told her to get ready and that's what she did .

walking out of her room and making my way to .A. I groan out loud . She's harder to wake up because she sleeps heavy and she's a grumpy person when she's awaken out her sleep even when she wakes up herself . Walking in I shake .A. For about a minute straight before she finally wakes up , she looks at me with a glare and I spit out the reason for why I awaken her .

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