Chapter 1- The Start

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ALICIA P.O.V. (maybe)

The sun beaming through the curtains in my room onto the bed is what woke me up.

"Got damn that shit brighter than a mother fucker,  have people never heard of curtains that don't let the sun beam in? They ready to bake my ass alive."


I turn over and check my phone to see it's 8:25am. Great so not only was the damn sun in my face, but it's also so early in the damn morning.

I rubbed my eyes viciously as I got out of bed and headed straight for the showers. I was already late for school but missing a shower is something i will not do.

I got in washed my body as clean as it can get and stepped out. Doing my hair into a slick back ponytail, I sighed seeing that I almost emptied out the whole fucking gel container doing my hair.

I stepped out and made my way to the closet, I was already not in the mood to be bothered. I threw on some joggers and a crop top with some sneakers. not a moment later my door burst open with my mother standing present.

She looked pissed and it's probably about last night.


"I don't have time for someone whose ungrateful just like there father!" She shouted while I stared at her.
The fuck this Woman thought she was?
I thought, as she continued to yell.

She was my mother nonetheless but if she doesn't pipe down with all this loud talk, I'll die with burst ear drums.

Laughing at my thoughts, i could see it was making her angrier, which made the situation I'm in already worst.

She looked at me, furry visible in her eyes. Rolling mine, quickly dismissing this conversation leaving with a simple.
I have to get to bed.
                      *FLASHBACK END*

There she stood with a straight face. Ignoring her, I grabbed my bag and walked right passed her not even saying anything about how she bursted into the room.

Down the hall I could hear her say something that sounded irrelevant.

Sucking my teeth, I grabbed my keys going to my car and made my way to school.

^-^ ^-^

I'm starting to think that my mom is mentally ill.
Always starting arguments for no reason.

Soon my alarm clock went off and this time I was actually up.

Not dreaming that bullshit in my head. I walked into the bathroom cringing at my kinky, matted hair.

This shit more fucked up than ever. I thought, and it being curly makes it ten times harder to comb through. Doing my hygiene, I hopped out of the shower taking 10 minutes trying to tame my mane.

While detangling my hair thoughts came at me left and right . Like why is my mother the way she is ?, I wonder if everything is update , I hope today at school there's no issues.

Knocking me out of my thoughts another alarm goes off and I realize I better head to school. Grabbing everything I needed, I made my way out the door.

At least I tried before my mom stopped me at the front door.

"Come home straight after school. We have a lot to discuss."

Scoffing at her, I rolled my eyes. If this is another attempt to build some fuck as bond with me after she neglected me, allowed her husband to abuse me, still took his side over mines, and practically kept me from seeing my father who I don't even know is alive she can fuck her self. 

I passed mumbling a quick yeah and with that I walked out hoping to have a good day at school.

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