50) Getting an Explanation

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*Michael's pov*

Me and Devin are finally going to get our answers. We got to the room and saw Xylo, Cal, and Nad? How did Nad get here? Questions for another time. I stood next to Devin before asking.

"Hi can we have Cal?" I asked and all of them looked at each other before Cal sighed

"Well you did say you had something you wanted to give Michael." Xylo said

"Ya I know. I knew this was going to come at some point." Cal said

"Don't worry I'll take good care of Artemis." Nad said

"Thanks. Ok let's go somewhere private like really private." Cal said and Devin nodded. All three of us walked in silence before coming to an open secluded area.

"I guess I owe an explanation and  Michael can you hold out your arm?" Cal asked

"Yes you do because this had been bugging me ever since it happened, and Inmo said you had reasons." I said holding out my arm

"Well yes there always a reason as to why people do things right?" Cal said taking off a bracelet and he put it on me and I felt a surge of my magic.

"Wait. My magic?" I asked surprised and Cal nodded

"Wait Michael you have your magic back?" Devin asked

"No, I mean yes but... Allumos said that my magic was most likely being pulled into the celestial world. Who?" I said and Cal spoke up.

"I went to the celestial world myself with Allumos after make sure that you wouldn't go there completely. If you did go to the celestial world that's it. No more you in this world." Cal said

"Wait so. Michael would have become a celestial spirit?" Devin asked

"I'm not an expert in this but yes basically. Khonsu gave me a choice. They knew I was attached to you all so he gave me a choice to make. Save Michael which leads us here but I didn't see this far in, or save the future pat and see were this possible gate is and stop it before it even activates." Cal said

"You choose Michael." Devin said

"But why me?" I asked

"Well I'm not sure to be honest. All I remember mostly and it was the reason why I chose you, is because when I saw how you become a spirit, Devin was distressed crying, Lucas was just shocked and the guild leaders Ritchie and Brandon were trying to calm you down." Cal said

"How are you even seeing into the future." I asked

"The first time Khonsu showed me something it was just a moment. The moment disaster stuck and he gave me simple instructions however even with all my efforts it slipped and it happened." Cal said

"I'm... I'm sorry." Devin said

"It's fine that was two years ago. I have a scar on my face to remind me to work as hard as possible to change outcomes." Cal said

"Well it's something. I wouldn't think of a scar as a motivational thing." I said

"A lot of people say that." Cal said

"Well whatever works I guess." I said

Cal chuckles and we ended up just sitting there for a bit. He told me that I shouldn't take of the bracelet until all my magic and emotions come back to me which is about a couple of days if we where in Atlantide but this is Salode so it'll take longer.

When evening came around we all went and had a drink at a bar. Cal even told us stories how he always ended up as a bartender at every Ball that they had hosted in his world. We didn't get too drunk but we were just a bit sober. Cal from the last I hear was being put to bed by Inpu and me and Devin ended up crashing together.

I open my eyes and find myself in a black empty space. It was completely pitch black and the only light was coming from a small orb in the center.

I walked over and saw two orbs one was a light blue green and the other was purple. I didn't know what to do so I tried to get a better look at the purple one but as soon as I touched it everything changed. I was back at the scene that I was about to strike Eden.

I looked around and saw that Cal wasn't anywhere near us. I watched as I came into to strike and then I saw a different thing. It wasn't Cal I struck it was....

My wife.

I gave a shakey breath before the image dissolved into me striking Cal and him taking the hit.

This was the thing that was supposed to happen. Why am I seeing this?

Everything went black again and the purple orb wasn't anymore. I looked at the light green one and I took a breath preparing myself. I touch the orb and found myself looking at a dance floor.

I looked up just to watch as Cal said something.

"That's not Ricarro anymore. That's Set."

"Your a smart one Cal"

I then watched as Cal was just tossed right into the wall and the ceiling collapsed in him. I tried to run over and help but I couldn't move. I looked over at Ricarro as he laughed and storms continued to rage all around the building.

Then it went darker. Then it came back and I saw Cal looking at what Im assuming is Set but he looks so different. A galaxy like looking body and I saw Cal get flung only for him to walk back with the same looking features.

They fought. They fought each other and everything went black as soon as Cal started choking. I tried to yell out but my voice was dead silent. I looked at the next glowing thing which was the bracelet, before words came into my mind.

He wore this bracelet his memory has been shared since your magic once flowed through him to make itself stable.

I woke up and I took deep breaths and calmed down. Devin wasn't in the room anymore and I looked over to see it was moring. I sighed as I got up. I've already questioned Cal I won't ask him about this but the other memory. He said that he didn't succeed the first time. That's the results of last time in assuming. Must be a bad memory for him. I took one last breath before heading out. I walked down and into the courtyard. What will today have in store for us.

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