17) Roses Touch, Warming hugs

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*Seductive Rose's pov*

I laughed as I flew over the city before landing on the top of a very tall building overlooking all of the city. My most recent encounter with Inpu was definitely nice. I got a bit more power from him and I still have a job to finish with the son of Aphrodite. Although I have to say, I never thought it would be possible for them to even have a child but here we are!

I stayed up there on one of the platforms until I felt Drannus's presence behind me. I smiled at this knowing Drannus comes with news of just general interesting comments. He's never let me down on that part

"Well hello Drannus what brings you here?" I asked getting up.

"I am came here to tell you I found a very interesting but sort of well known person to us. Daveed and Brandeen are in this world and Brandeen looks like a child which is most entertaining." Drannus said

"Brandeen huh. How interesting." I said as I looked down back to the city

"Also I found a place for a temporary stay but I have also taken control over a rift. We have full access to this world and our world now so if we wanted we can cause as much chaos as we please." Drannus commented and I could only help but smile.

"Chaos. That reminds me of someone. What ever happened to Set I'm curious." I asked

"Set? Pretty sure he's trapped in a magic mirror because of the son of Hades and the son of Khonsu." Drannus said standing next to me overlooking the city

"Time and death. An interesting combination. Tell me would it be worth getting Set back?" I asked

"Maybe we'll see." Drannus said

"Well I found out something very very interesting." I said

"Oh and what would that be?" Drannus asked

"The child of Anubis and the child of Aphrodite. Inpu and Bryan have a child of their own. Little thing with little ears, wings, and a small little tail. Adorable but I think I would rather see it in a black purple color." I said smiling to myself.

"Oh? Corrupt a simple small soul at a young age. I love that idea." Drannus said

"Yes. Anyways care to show me where this rift is I would like to see how that camp if fairing right now." I said and Drannus nodded. I flew off with Drannus and soon enough we came to the cave, and I saw Brandeen there. I started a conversation with him and Drannus opened the rift

"Here we go, and remember only we know of this rift this is our gateway to cause doom and chaos to all" Drannus said and I smiled

I smiled as I went through. Well I will surely have a lot of fun with this.

*Ooo Bryan's pov*

No no no no no this wasn't supposed to happen why out of everyone why him I thought I got rid of him. Cracked to the point where he shouldn't even be moving. The only reason why the Seductive Rose got away was because a weird portal opened and he fell through. I grew angry and before I could storm off Inpu grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. While keeping his voice down because Artemis was sleeping

"I'm not going to let you go. Your not going to do this alone you got it, I won't let you." Inpu said

"But this is my issue." I said

"It became my issue as well ever since we got married. I just hadn't realized it at first." Inpu said and I could tell he met it.

I looked into Inpu's eyes before resting my head on his shoulder. "Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too." Inpu said kissing me on the forehead.

"Now our main goal is to make sure Artemis remains safe and away from the Seductive Rose. That is our main goal. Getting rid of him is a secondary goal, ok." Inpu said

"Right Artemis is our main goal." I mumbled as I looked at the crib which was coming to a slight stop because it wasn't being rocked

Inpu nodded and we stayed snuggling for a little bit before Magnus came out with a fussy Artemis. I smiled as I took him into my arms and snuggled him lightly.

Your our main goal I'll make sure you don't suffer the consequences I suffered.

*Flurry's pov*

I was skipping along the sidewalks as I came to bug Yamitsu a bit. I walked to his house but he wasn't in there. So I went searching for him. I looked all around the fountain, his work out area, even around the guild hall and his bedroom.

After about 2 hours or so I decided to pull up a chair and table outside and waited with a cup of tea by my side and a some paperwork I needed to finish. I waited for a while, I waited long enough for me to finish paperwork and even enjoy a whole lot of tea. I grew tired and I couldn't hold my eyes open so I fell with the thought that maybe Yamitsu's just busy today, he didn't go missing... right?

I don't know how long I slept but when I woke up I wasn't outside. I was inside on the couch and I had a strong arm around me. I could feel something on my head so I looked up to see that I was leaning on Yamitsu while he had an arm over my shoulder. He was reading a book and he looked absolutely adorable.

I smiled "There you are."

"Huh? Oh your awake." Yamitsu said and closed his book which he had in his other hand. He was about to remove his other arm but I grabbed it before it could.

"Came we stay like this?" I asked

"I- umm- I.....sure we can stay like this." Yamitsu said

I smiled as I put my hand on my head to notice a flower crown on my head. "Did you get this for me?"

"I made it. Walked past a flower shop got some flowers and put them into a crown. Found you sleeping outside so I brought you in and put it on you. It... It looks really nice on you." Yamitsu said clearly blushing

"Thank Yamitsu." I said as I enjoyed his warm half embrace.

These butterflies in my stomach won't go away when I'm with you.

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