2) Wizards and Demigods

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*Fto Bryan's pov*

Both of them looked a little scary not much but I don't think that's why I'm stareing in awe. I mean one of them has wings and is standing up to Lo'pho. I'm curious of what magic he has and who is the other one behind the winged one.

"Are you going to stop pointing your weapon at my husband?" The one with fluffy tails said as he put away his book and walked up and slightly moved the other ones hand so the sword wasn't right next to Lo'pho.

"If he puts away his I'll put away mine." Lo'pho said

Both swords went away which I'm happy about.

"Ok so who are you guys?" Maina asked

"My names Inpu and this is my husband Bryan." Inpu said which shocked all of us. Another person named Bryan.

"But my name's Bryan." I said which now got everyone confused. What is going on.

"W-well just because they have the same name doesn't mean they have anything in common with each other ya know people name people different names it's not uncommon to have two people named the same thing." Kay said

"True." Jakey said before he went over to Lo'pho

"Would you guys like some cookies?" Jakey said.

"No thanks." Bryan said. It's still weird to have two people named Bryan here, for me at least.

"Oh ok." Jakey said before he came back over to me.

Lo'pho talked with Bryan and Inpu for a bit and eventually we all went around and did full on introductions instead of just names. Now this is were things got weird, especially when Inpu and Bryan introduced themselves.

"Bryan son of Aphrodite."

"Inpu son of Anubis."

"Wait why do you guys say son of? I'm confused?" Kay asked before I could.

"Oh we're demigods." Bryan said and that's when my whole thought process got thrown off. Demigod!? How it's nothing but a myths. I'm thoughts came back together when Inpu tried to calm down Bryan who started to freak out.

"Calm down?? Calm down!? We have to find Artimis!" Bryan said before Inpu hugged him keeping him close.

"Sorry about that it's just we need to find our son." Inpu said and Lo'pho nodded.

"Well I might as well bring you to the town center I'm sure we can figure things out I'd like to call a meeting with the other guild leaders to discuss this." Lo'pho said.

"So I guess that means training is over for today right Lo'pho?" I asked

"Yes that is correct Bryan. Now everyone else can head back to their rooms or where ever you go after training, both Bryan's and Inpu come with me we have a walk to the meetings center." Lo'pho said

Inpu nodded as he held Bryan's hand and followed Lo'pho and me. I wonder what their son looks like.

*Cal's pov*

I'm going to be honest I wish Lychee or Ricarro was in front, but no I'm keeping them behind me.

"Well why we are here I have no idea, how we got here well I'm sure you've already seen the rift so ya." I said and I looked at the white haired individual.

"So you didn't come here by choice huh.... My names Brandon what's yours." The person know as Brandon said

"Cal." I said

"Alright Cal why don't you step aside and I'll deal with those red people." The blue haired individual said

"No I'm not letting you touch any of them." I said

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