Memories With A Sword Spirit

Start from the beginning

The sword, which had felt perfect for me the day prior, suddenly felt unbalanced. Uneven. Like it belonged to someone else. It felt too heavy, lacking the balance that the Master Sword was perfect for. The sword that I hadn't even knew existed 12 hours ago, yet suddenly felt nostalgic for. Flashes of memories played through my head, of all the times I'd engaged in combat with monsters throughout my journey before my death.

I must have been at the bag for a long time, because I was interrupted from my training by the feeling of a presence entering the room. I spun around, adopting a defensive stance, only to find Ozpin had entered the room. I finally relaxed and sheathed my sword.

"How'd you know I was here?" He seemed shocked that that's how I opened the conversation.

"Sword training was often something you sought out to do whenever something was troubling you. So tell me, what's troubling you?" I could genuinely heard concern in his voice.

"I remember." My voice was barely above a whisper, yet he heard it. "Fi visited me after our talk. She showed me my old memories. I remember our first meeting, emerging from the Spirit Plane, reuniting with you, being tasked with upgrading the Goddess Sword, the blessing of Hylia, the dog tags, everything."

I expected him to say something, but when I raised my eyes to look at him, his eyes were watering and he looked conflicted. I opened my mouth to say something, but he caught me off guard when he ran forwards and embraced me in a tight hug. I hesitated for a mere moment, before returning the embrace with equal vigour. We stood there for 30 seconds before we released the hug and gave small, wavering, smiles.

"It's so good to hear that you remember everything. I'm glad I have my old friend back." I gave him a massive grin.

"It's weird though. My sword felt perfect before these memories, but now it feels different. It almost feels wrong. Like it belongs to someone else." He frowned at the explanation.

"It's not too surprising. The Master Sword was the perfect sword for you. It was designed to be perfect for you, shaped by the Goddess herself. No mortal blade could ever come close to that feeling of perfection that the Master Sword will feel for you." This brought me some comfort. It wasn't just my weird memory resurgence that made me feel like this.

"So what now? I remember the important events of my past, so where do we go from here?" He seemed unable to answer the question.

"I'm not sure. We have been unable to locate the Master Sword and your old gear. I'd perhaps recommend searching the lost kingdom of Hyrule." He suggested. "It has the highest chance of being the resting place of some of your gear. However, the journey would take quite awhile, not to mention all the searching you'd have to do."

"When would you recommend leaving then?" I asked, already planning my packing list in my head.

"If you were prepared, I'd suggest leaving tomorrow. I'd recommend having spares of everything. I haven't been there in quite awhile, but if it's like how I remember, you'll need plenty of spares." I couldn't help but grin at the memories of us travelling together. "Now I'd recommend getting ready for class. It's almost 7:00, I don't know how long you've been here but classes aren't something you can skip."

"I'll be in class. You can count on that." I said, a small grin present on both our face.

"Oh, and here." He tossed me something shiny that was jingling as it soared through the air. "Figured you should have these."

He left, and I looked down at what was in my hands. Tears started pricking at the corners of my eyes when I saw the newly familiar dog tags resting in my hand.


The dog tags were simple, stating my name, title, home country, and my old registration number from when I was born in Hyrule. I looked at the tags in my hand, letting the tears fall freely down my face. The dog tags represented the very pinnacle of who I was before my death. They were proof that I truly had been a legendary hero before I died. I looked at the clock in the room and decided to head back to my dorm room and have a shower before heading to class. I slipped the dog tags around my neck and hid it beneath my outer tunic. I stepped out into the hallway and looked around to see if there were any students in the hall. There weren't, so the trip back to my dorm was rather uneventful. I got out of the shower, and changed into my Beacon Academy standard uniform, with the addition of the dog tags. I packed a large bag with spares of each thing so that I could leave to investigate Hyrule as soon as possible. A knock at the door alerted me to someone waiting for me.

The Hero of Remnant Volume 1: The Hero Returns (Male Link Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now