Chapter 3- The Village of Yester

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Indeara Vef had one goal in life: find the Weavers.

It was difficult to have any other goals when you literally couldn't remember anything but that, your own name, and a few other insignificant snippets.

Wherever she went, no one seemed to know what she was talking about. And for some reason, this kingdom was not a safe place for witches like herself. People kept trying to coerce her into working for them, or put her in debt to them so she'd have no other choice.

And it wasn't any safer for other witches. Just yesterday, she'd seen a group of armed men escorting a windowless black carriage that obviously contained another witch. She'd hit them with a blast of explosion magic and run. No point in getting caught while trying to help some other unfortunate soul.

Hopefully they were alright.

Indeara herself had already travelled two villages over, and was stopped in a tavern, eating a hunk of roasted chicken with warm black bread.

A boy dropped into the seat across from her, grinning. He looked like trouble.

"Hello there! Nigel Diddlesworth at your service!"

"I do not believe I am in need of your service." Indeara said.

What kind of name is 'Diddlesworth', anyway?

"Ouch." Nigel said. "But don't be too sure of that."

"I'm not sure what service you could possibly offer me that I would find useful."

"Information, perhaps?"

"Information?" Indeara said, pausing with a forkful of chicken halfway to her mouth. She set her fork down.

"You're looking for the weavers, aren't you?"

"I might be."

"You look like you are." Nigel said, smiling.

"What can you tell me about the weavers?" Indeara asked.

"Not much." Nigel said. "But I know someone who can lead you to them."

He slapped a piece of paper down in front of her. Indeara took it, smoothing out the wrinkles on it.

It was a missing poster for someone named Sedine Malachite. A rough sketch showed a girl with delicate elfin features and a blank look. A description of her coloring, the date she'd disappeared, and the reward offered for finding her was included.

"Look kid, I'm no bounty hunter." Indeara said, sliding the poster back to him.

"I never said you were." Nigel said. "However, you won't be able to find what you're looking for without Miss Malachite's help."

"And what advantage does she have that I don't?" Indeara questioned.

Nigel glanced around and lowered his voice. "She's a witch. Her abilities are... unlike anything you'll have seen. They'll ensure that you'll find what you're looking for."

Indeara nodded.

There were many witches that had abilities unique to themselves, or to their families. At least she thought there were. She wasn't sure who had told her that information.

This Sedine Malachite was likely one of them, with some sort of tracking ability, if Nigel thought she'd be able to find the weavers.

"And where will I find this girl?"

"Last I knew, she was working as a tavern wench in a town called Yester just a few days from here." Nigel said.

"Thanks for the tip." Indeara said. "What will this information cost me?"

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