17: The Truth Comes Out

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Indie and I were in her sandpit we'd spent most of our morning in here. I had music playing from my phone and it wasn't too hot out yet.

It had been a couple of weeks since I spent the day with Ian and I haven't spoken to him or seen him since. Paul refuses to talk about him to me and says to let him handle it. But I hate not knowing. I hate not knowing if he was okay. Was he eating was he drinking? Were the dogs and horses taken care of? And he wouldn't tell me anything.

"Indie? Shall we get lunch?" She looked at me with a tilted head her hair in her eyes. "You want yum, yum?" I asked simply before brushing her hair off her face. She had these little curls it was adorable but I hadn't done her hair today so they were a little wild. She nodded and made grabby hands to me. I stood up before scooping her up. With her, on my hip, I put the cover over the sandpit one-handed and then made our way inside.

I got her food out of the fridge and heated it up whilst she sat in her high chair. She was just playing with her spoon I sat on her tray whilst she waited. The music was still playing from my phone. "Mama?" "Yes, baby?" She blew a kiss. I blew one back. "Love you," I tell her and she smiled and went back to banging the spoon on the tray of her high chair. I sang along to how far will I go whilst I finished dishing up her food. I sat and few her and she helped feed herself too. She's getting a lot better at feeding herself I just like to help her so I know she's eaten at least half of it and then the other half I let her feed herself. 75% of the time the rest of the food ends up on the floor or on her.

"Are you going to be a good girl so mummy can eat?" I asked her as I made my way over to the fridge. She was too busy spooning the food into her mouth to care what I was doing. I grabbed my pasta and chicken salad out of the fridge and got a fork from the draw and sat beside Indie at the kitchen island.

She began making grabby hands at my food so I let her get some by moving my food closer to her she took my fork and tried to fit the food in her mouth I giggled at her attempt. "Mummy help?" I asked her when she was getting frustrated that the lettuce leaves wouldn't fit in her mouth. "Mummy, help." She repeated in her sweet voice. I took the fork back and took a few pieces off so it was baby bitesize before handing it back to her. She clapped when she finally got it in her mouth. "Well done," I say taking the fork back to eat some more. We shared it together. I took her up for a nap before cleaning up our dishes.

My phone rang and I was shocked to see his ID pop up, I was looking at the photo on my screen and almost forgot to answer his call. "Ian?" "Yeah, it's me." "How are you?" "Good, good. Um sorry, I've not called." "I assumed you were busy," I say with a smile lacing my lips despite him not being able to see me. "Rehab... 21 days sober." "That's really good, E. I'm proud of you," I tell him. "I was wondering if I could stop by seeing Indie, see you." "She's napping right now, but I could bring her over to our- your place-" "Our place." "When she wakes up." "Yeah, that would be nice." "She went down 30 minutes ago so I'll be over at around 3 ish?" "Perfect." "Speak to you later." We hang up and I went back to cleaning the kitchen.

I go to the office for the rest of Indie's nap I had a few audition tapes to edit before sending them out. Indie will be two by the time filming starts for them and with Ian back on track I figured he could take her for a few hours whilst I worked... I needed to talk to him about it first but I doubt he'd pass up the chance to spend time with his daughter.


"Dada! Dada." Indie said getting excited when Ian answered the door. He took her from me and we went inside. We spoke about Indie I showed him some photos. "Where are the dogs?" "Paul's place. And he hired someone to take care of the horses." He told me. "Why didn't he just ask me?" "Because you had Indie." "They're our horses." "He didn't want to bother you." I rolled my eyes.

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