7: ICU

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Standing outside my niece's room was hard. I couldn't imagine what Isa and Ian are going through right now. Indie had been put into the ICU after her operation, they're keeping her under to help reduce the swelling on her brain to avoid any type of seizures that she's had in the past. She just looked like she was sleeping but there were so many tubes and wires coming from her attached to a wall of machines.  It broke my heart seeing her like this.

Isabella was stroking her hand softly as she held it and Ian looked like he had checked out weeks ago. I knew they weren't having the easiest time, with Indie and with their marriage. Isabella had mentioned a few times they had been arguing more or not speaking at all. I thought they were the unbreakable couple. They had aided each other through so much that it was shocking to see them almost act like strangers. Isabella tried to comfort Ian and he pulled his hand away from her touch. The hurt in Bella's face made me want to punch Ian. I hate seeing her in pain and I hate the fact that he is the cause of her pain when he is normally the one to stop her from hurting.

They were falling apart because their hearts couldn't handle the thought of losing their baby one they've dreamt of their entire lives.

Isabella came out of the room looking completely defeated. "Logan's flying out tonight," I tell her. She couldn't even manage a smile. "She'll pull through," I tell her softly. I felt if I spoke any differently to her she'd shatter into a million pieces. "You don't know that. So don't tell me that." She said harshly. "She's pulled through before she'll do it again," I say not quivering in my stance that little girl had to be okay because if she wasn't I don't think her parents would ever be the same people again. And I can't lose my best friend. I've almost lost her once before I don't think I could do life without her. Not with three crazy kids and a husband. She's my sanity. "Bella, you have to stay strong for a little longer." She laughed amused, she had already slipped through our fingertips. "Stay strong? I've been strong my entire life!" She said pissed. "My husband won't even let me touch him. My daughter is dying! And everyone is living in a delusional world where they think it's okay for a baby to be experiencing all this pain! Being strong isn't enough." She rubbed her face frustrated. "Isabella," I say, she got more annoyed with me because of the look of pity washing over my face that I tried to hide. I couldn't imagine the pain she was feeling right now.

"You go be strong Nina. You watch your dad get shot, your mum die and then watch your baby die of the same God damn thing and tell me! TELL ME if you're still strong!" She shouted at me. "Everyone dies, everyone leaves, so what's the fucking point of being strong?" She walked away from me, it made me feel sick looking at how loose her sweats were on her, it looked like she was wearing Ian's clothes, not hers. I'm meant to protect her, be there for her and I think everyone just dropped the ball with Isa because she's Bella. She's the strong one, the happy one. The one who is in control and can do anything. But even the strongest things break sometimes.

I turned back to the room Ian was in with his daughter, he was talking to her or singing I couldn't hear through the glass walls of the room. I pulled out my phone and called Bee to update her like I promised I would. It was morning now so I knew I wouldn't be disturbing her.



I walked out the doors of the hospital and took a few deep breaths. I noticed the paps already snapping photos. What would they write this time? New mum crumbling. Can't handle it. Shit parent. I didn't even have the energy to warn them off. I tied my hair up in a messy bun to get it off my face.

I looked up at the morning sky. "What do I do now mum?" I asked her waiting for an answer but as usual, I got nothing from her. She'd know what to do. She'd know how to fix this whole thing. How to make sure Indie was happy, and make sure Ian and I were okay. And what I needed to do to fix us. And- But she's dead. I have to remind myself sometimes.

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