10: Liar

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I rolled over in bed to cuddle with Ian and he wasn't there. I rolled back to check on Indie she was still asleep. I checked the time on my phone trying to be as quiet as possible so my little girl could sleep. 4:35. Ian's never up this early. I switch the baby monitor on and go downstairs. His dinner was still in the oven where I left it for him. The dogs were in their Crates where I left them last night.

Naz was still on the love seat in the family room. All the doors were still looked. I looked out onto the drive and only my car was there. I frowned and called him. Surely he had to have come home by now. It's almost 5am. He never stays out this late. Even when we had been arguing.

He didn't answer. I called Paul. Maybe he went there after the 'gym'. "Hello." He said grouchily into the speaker. "Sorry it's early. Is Ian at yours? He's not come home since lunch yesterday." I informed him. "No, he's not here. Have you tried JoMo's?" "I'll call. Thanks anyway-never mind he's calling me back." I say before we hung up. "Baby you okay?" I asked worried. "Sorry. Yeah. I fell asleep on Paul's sofa...my bad." My frowned deepened he was lying to me. I knew he wasn't there. Why would he lie to me? "It's okay I was just worried. I didn't see you car on the drive is all." "I should have texted. I'll be home soon okay." I nodded not trusting my voice right now. "Bye." He hung up before I could say goodbye.

I threw away the food and cleaned the dish it was on. And then sat with Naz looking out the window waiting for his car to pull up. Indie woke before he came home at 8:30 her usual time. I changed her nappy and then brought her downstairs for her breakfast a bottle and some smashed mango and banana. She ate it all which I was pleased about sometimes she doesn't eat much and it worries me.

When she was finished I took her upstairs to get her cleaned up and dressed for the day. I put her in a romper because it was meant to be warm when she was dressed I sat her in her jump a Roo whilst I went to shower. I changed into some gym wear and then tied my hair into a pony.

Ian finally pulled up at 10. "Morning." I went to peck his lips but he dodged it so I kissed his cheek instead. Am I that repulsive? "Say morning daddy..." I say to Indie and she smiles. She's always smiling. "Don't you look cute today." He said. "We have a breakfast date with Aunty Kat and Amelia don't we." I say. "I thought maybe you could take her...so I could go to the gym." I say hopefully. I just wanted a little bit of time to myself. I needed to just process and the only way I was doing that was with a long run in the sun. "Yeah. Yeah. Um I would but-"can you watch her until I change then." I say knowing he was going to make up an excuse of some sort to avoid it. "Yeah."

I closed the door to my closet and prayed that I wouldn't break down it just wasn't the time to do that right now. I needed to keep it together. For Indie's sake. I just don't know how much longer I can keep this up is all.

"Bella!" He called up to me. "I need to go...Indie is in her high chair." I frowned and dashed down the stairs tying my dress up at the back. "Ian. You can't just leave her like that." "Bella stop being paranoid." I didn't have the energy to argue with him I had been up for a fair few hours already. "Enjoy your day." I say with a forced smile. He went to change before leaving. I did my makeup in the play room using the smallest mirror in the world before dealing with my hair. I put a bow in Indies that matched her sage romper.

"Come in!" I called to the knock at the door. "Aunty Bella!" Amelia cheered. I wrapped my arm around her as my other held my daughter up. "Aww look how cute she looks!" Kat gushed scooping Indie up almost the same second she walked in. "How are you?" She asked. I nodded not trusting my voice. "Isa?" She pushed. "Just things with Ian and I are a little Rocky. But I'm sure it'll be fine." I assured her with a smile. "Could you keep and eye on her whilst I run down to the stables ?" "Hasn't Ian done that this morning?" "He was busy last night so he was rushing around this morning before leaving again." "Oh. Yeah sure." I rushed through the large garden the dogs following close behind. I gave the horses fresh water and hay and scooped their poop. I opened up the gates so they could go in the pen and inside if it got too hot for them. Ian and I hadn't had a chance to go riding in a long while and I felt really guilty about it. "I'll take you boys out soon. I promise." I tell them before leaving. I checked the gate three times to make sure I locked it. And then gathered the dogs up to get them back inside.

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