3: Rough Night

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When I came home the girls were in the family room playing on Indie's play mat, I could hear Bella reading her a book. I smiled to myself as I packed the groceries away. When I was done I went to find my daughter and wife. "Hey, baby," I say kissing her cheek. She looked stressed and tired. "Sorry about the mess." "Don't be silly," I tell her, there was washing left on the stairs that were it. "Did she have a moment again?" I asked reading her face. She nodded. "She went down to sleep but she was choking on her sick in her sleep." "Did she go down after a feed?" "No, she had a feed like 2 hours before that." "Maybe she's just a little sick." She frowned, I could practically hear her thoughts. "How would she get sick. We're so careful." She tells me as I clean my hands so I could pick her up and spend some time with her. "Baby's get sick. It's nothing we can stop." She nodded. 

"How was work?" "Okay... Good to be back." She smiled softly I could see how tired she was in her eyes, "Missed my girls though." I tell her honestly. I snuggled into her side as I held Indie on my lap so she was looking at me. "The Wood's are coming over this weekend to play with the horse's." She tells me. I nodded. "I'm working Saturday." "I'll let Nina know to come Sunday... maybe we could get the bbq out." I nodded agreeing like the sound of that. "I'll see if The Wesley's want to come over." "Yeah, that'll be nice." She said. "You want to take a nap?" I asked her. "I'll bathe Indie." She checked her watch. "I'll stay awake until she goes down." I nodded. 

Indie didn't go down until 10 o'clock. She had another moment, making that two today. She only does that once a week, never twice in one day. "You know Nina looked concerned earlier when she was crying... she said it was normal but I don't think it is." "We're taking her to the doctors next week. It'll be okay. I'm sure of it." Babies sometimes cry. That's just what happens and they can't communicate because they're babies. 

Bella and I hadn't eaten yet. "Do you want me to start dinner?" I asked her. We were in the nursery. I was in the chair holding Indie and Bella was lent against my legs sat on the floor. "Bella?" I asked when I got no response. I looked down at her and she was asleep. "Well, I guess I'll put you both to bed then," I say amused. I guess her being home all day alone with Indie was hard and she's had to go through 3 hours total of Indie crying. And she's looked after the dogs all day she's been out on a walk. She's entertained Koa and Nina. I held Bella's head as I stood up so it didn't jerk forward and then leant it on the leg rest of the chair.

I put indie in her crib before scooping her mother up off the floor and carrying her to bed. I tuck her in. "Where's Indie?" She mumbled hazed with sleep. "She's sleeping... Go back to bed." I tell her. "Wheres the baby monitor?" "Bedside," I tell her, She rolled over and checked the camera. "Do you think I should just go lay in there with her? She was sick in her sleep." "Belle, she'll be fine," I tell her. I push her head back down so she was laying again. "I'm going to check on the dogs and then I'll be back up." She nodded and closed her eyes again. 


I sat on the sofa with Naz eating a pizza I ordered. I couldn't go to bed without eating dinner. I may have forgotten to eat the salad Bella made for me this morning. The other dogs were asleep in the other room. "You've not eaten anything today, Naz." I stroked him his head was in my lap. "I'm tired too, bub." I kept watching the football game whilst I stroked him and ate pizza. Once I was finished I went made sure Naz was comfortable laying the blanket over him. I kissed him on his head and he licked my face. "I love you too, bubs." I let him be and went up to my wife. She wasn't in bed. When I looked at the baby monitor Indie was still in her crib. I pressed the button to the other camera in there. She was sat in the rocking chair with a blanket over her. 

I get why she's so paranoid I am too but I'm just trying to keep it together for her sake. I don't think the crying was okay. And I'm worried about her, we're doing all we can. We babysit so many of our nieces and nephews we've never had a problem with them before. We can have all of them at one time and cope better than we are right now. I can't help but feel like a failure. I'm no good as a dad. I can't even comfort my own daughter.

Through The Len's Part TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz