6: Treatment

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The past few weeks have been long, hard, exhausting, painful and lonely but it's finally over. We're currently packing up Indie's room. Taking down her photos and putting away all her personal things.

We were waiting on the doctor to get back to us about her scans. She had them done yesterday and we're hoping the tumour has shrunk enough for them to operate in a few weeks. Her little pain episodes have reduced massively, partly because of the medications she's been on but also because there's less pressure on her brain now. She's not had a seizure in three weeks. Which is promising. "Can you take this down to the car please?" I asked Ian. He stayed with us for the last week as he finished filming.

I want to say it's been amazing having him here but honestly, I've felt more overwhelmed when he's here than when he's not. We were kind of arguing before he came to stay and I was hoping that him being here and we being able to spend time together would be better. But we're on two different wavelengths at the moment. "Yeah of course." He took the cases down to the car.

"Indie, can I have a smile?" I asked my baby, before pulling a silly face she giggled and then I played peek-a-boo with her until the doctor and Ian came in. "So?" I asked. He broke out into a smile. "It's shrunk enough for us to go in. It looks to be clean edges." I couldn't stop smiling. "Baby. It's good news." I tell Indie. "We get to take you home today." She's spent 2 months in this room. We took her on a few walks around the hospital to get her some sunlight and so she didn't feel trapped.

Our family visited a lot. Chase is currently staying at our place taking care of the animals which I was so thankful for. I didn't need the stress of that as well whilst I was in here. He's been there for about 3 weeks. He flew out with Kalani and Logan and then decided to stay. He visited most days. It was nice to have him around and spend time with him again. Also having interaction with someone that's not 6 months old was fun too. I forget that my baby voice isn't my actual voice sometimes.

It's been nice staying at the hospital, the nurse would stay in the room sometimes so I could get some sleep. She said she noticed how I just seemed to always be awake whenever she came to check on me. I admitted to being too scared to sleep in case anything was to happen to her so she said she'd watch her for a few hours after her shift had ended so she didn't have to leave the room. It was really kind of her to do and I welcomed the help. When Ian would come and visit I'd stay awake because I would want to spend time with him too. He is my husband. Despite him being really distant when he would be here, so I didn't sleep when he would be here with her.


"Look who it is!" I say to Indie as we walked into the lounge. "Uncle Chase," I say getting her excited and she started babbling away and we all pretended to know what she meant. "So good news then?" He asked and I nodded still smiling from earlier. "Amazing news," Ian says, Chase took Indie. "You're such a strong little girl," Chase says sitting her on his lap. "You're gonna knock it out, baby," Chase says moving Indie's arm to punch the air. "Be careful with her." I scolded him. She was still a little sore from the chemo and I didn't want him to hurt her.

"How's my boy been?" I asked Naz kneeling on the floor in front of him. I stroke him softly before kissing his head. Ian pats him too. "You're a good boy," I tell him. He's just so chill. "How are the others?" Ian asked. "Horses been for a ride. And the other dogs are in the garden." I nodded. "And Nina is in the kitchen." I frowned. "What?" Ian questioned. So we went into the kitchen to see all our close friends and their families. "We've just missed this cute one too much," Kat said touching Indie's hand. "We're not staying long we just wanted to drop by." "Thanks, guys," I tell them. "Well, you both have been there for us through all our hardships so we wanted to be here for you," Candice explained. "Thank you, guys," Ian says.

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