14: M.I.A

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After Indiana's first birthday, Ian hasn't bothered to see her. I've been over to the house to drop Indie to him but he's changed the codes to the gates and when I buzz he never answers. Though his cars on the drive and our calendars are still linked so I know he has nothing on.

I was worried about him. Paul had been over to the house a few times to check on him and he just says he's fine and he's sorry and he regrets what he had done. I wanted to forgive him I did. And I love him still, I always will he's my soulmate. But he had a baby with another woman whilst his wife was in the hospital with his sick child. I deserved better than that and so did Indie.  She deserved her dad to be there. 

Indie and I had moved into our own place, not as nice as our home but it was okay for now. Part of me just wanted to go home and move on from this but I couldn't. I was too hurt. I called Ian to see if he could have Indie whilst I went to my therapy appointment. But he didn't answer. I don't know why I thought it would be any different to the past 3 months. 

It's all in the media now. That Ian and I have split and Nikki Reed is pregnant with Somerhalder's baby. The media are really running with it and everyone is dragging Ian on social media. I get it her fucked up big time but there was no need for strangers who are less than perfect themselves to judge him and make him feel worse about it. I knew he was sorry. I knew he felt guilty and bad for what he had done. I don't understand why it's anyone else's business other than Nikki, Ian's and I's. Even my family are staying out of it. 

I knocked on Claire's door. "Hi," I say with a smile as she opened the door. "My little Indiana!" She gushed at her niece taking her from me. "Call me if she starts. She's been a little grumpy today." I tell her. Claire pouted. "Is it those teeth hurting your baba?" She asked indie. "I think so... He medications in the bag if she's in pain and so is her lunch." "Okay." "Thank you so much for this." "Anytime... Got nothing better to do." I smile. Elle and James were back at school now so she was at home most of the day alone. 

"Mummy loves you." I pecked Indie's cheek before rushing off. 


"Ian? This is important Nikki is in the hospital having your baby!" I say into his answerphone. for his baby mama to be ringing me about the arrival of their child wasn't okay. but childbirth is scary. He should be there for her. 

I looked at Indiana in her crib fast asleep. It was 3 in the morning. "Please Ian, show up for her. Go see your baby." I try and sound as encouraging as I could. "Talk to you soon. I hope it all goes okay." I hung up. I left Indiana's room and went into the laundry room. I wouldn't be able to sleep. I'd be too nervous for Nikki and Ian. So I started on mine and indie's washing. Nina texted me asking me if I heard about Nikki. We had a conversation about it before she went back to sleep.

I prayed for Ian's sake that he showed up for Nikki. I really did. 

Mr SmoulderHalder

Bodhi Reed somerhalder

8lbs 3oz

Healthy and okay

I'm so glad! I'm sure she's beautiful <3

I put my phone away and went back to the chores that needed doing. If I got it all done before Indie woke up for her breakfast I'd be able to get some woke done today whilst she naps this afternoon. This means I'll be able to go to bed earlier tonight instead of staying up to finish my work. So all-around win.

I got all the housework done before Indie woke up so I laid in my bed for an hour before she woke and I took her down for breakfast. I had the music on, Indie's choice of course, which was Disney music. She loved to dance to it. I loved to see how happy and excited she got when her favourite songs came on. 

Through The Len's Part TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz