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Avery was busy on her own thoughts that she didn't notice someone staring at her direction. William was looking at her intently, he somehow feel that Avery's past may have something to do with the past crimes. Buy he can't ask her directly. He straighten up and continue to listen to the teacher in front discussing about Genes and so on.

"Tomorrow is the national holiday to  celebrate to all the General's that passed away on our kingdom."

Minutes passed....





"Avery? Avery?–"

"Hmm?" Avery look up to the person who repeatedly call for her name. It was William. She turn away and look around only to see that they are the only ones inside the classroom.

"Where– they already left?"

"Hm... What you thinking about? You've been daydreaming until the class ends."

"Its nothing."

"It is not nothing, stupid"

"Do you...perhaps miss your parents?"

"I–... I don't know."

"I see. Come on stupid let's go" William grab her hands and walk out. Avery was still in a daze on what is he up to. Until the both reach a grand lake. Avery look at the lake that's sparkling like diamonds on them. She can't help but be mesmerized.

"Tsk, knew you're stupid"

"Since you tried to cheer me up I'll just let it pass" Avery replies.

"Whatever. Tomorrow is a national holiday. We will visit the tomb of the General in every generation do.... do you want my company?"

"Nah... I have my uncle and aunt plus I know my dad doesn't want me to tag a boy~friend along"

"Boyfriend? You really are weird sometimes with words"

"Hahaha... Geez, killjoy."

"What? Kill? Where?"

Avery burst in laughter at William. William look at Avery who is now crying in laughter and can't help but shake his head.

'This is stupid.'

"Where are we anyways?"

"At the restricted lake. Don't worry I have a pass to come here."

"This lake is beautiful."

"Of course."

"You know, you are not fitting to be a prime minister"

"Are you mocking me?"

"Hahaha... Nope. You look like an idol."

"Idol? What are you saying?"

"Slow... Come on let's leave, Prime Minister William"

"Tsk...." William smiles and offer his hand. "I shall accompany you till then, My Lady Avery"


Next Day

"Avery dear do you want to say something to him? We can give you some space"

"I'll talk to him. Thanks uncle".

"You're father is a wise general and a loving husband to your mother."



Why am I here? My heart is breaking. Is it me hurting or the original owner of this body? Why is your presence a great deal?

My dad didn't love me. I didn't even get to see my mom when she give birthday to me. You both left me all alone. Why?

Why are you both like this? You are my dad on both lifetimes... Buy what's the reason you give me another life? Do you want me to week revenge? I don't know.

If this ache will disappear if I help you then I'll challenge Destiny. I've always been on a fight it. I wanna change my life. I won't be alone anymore. Thank you, dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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