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Avery's POV

Sounds of swords clashing, arrows flying and loud shouts are what I could hear around me. There are 15 assassins and only me and Calynn are fighting them but they can't still win over us. I know that something's gonna happen but I didn't expect this. If someone dies then the Owen Family will be responsible. However, they didn't expect that there plan we'll fail because of us. When we first landed on the meeting base I noticed in my peripheral vision a weird guy which is having a bad aura surrounding him so I secretly spied on him and the result?

That young man is the boss of these annoying assassins! I am currently fighting 9 goons while Calynn fought the rest.

"Calynn, protect sir Henry the bad guy is with him" I whispered at her when we got on our backs. Even if we don't face each other at the moment I know she raise an eyebrow and twitch her lips in disapproval. A small smile escaped my lips because of her.

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Henry's POV


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I can't believe it on my very own eyes witnessing the two ladies of the Magnus Family fighting the 15 assassins. Especially, Calynn she is well-verse in handling sword while Lady Avery is using a sharpen stick as an arrow. The both of them are indeed strong..... which makes me sad inside. I was supposed to be the hero and successfully save Calynn yet I was defeated very easily. What a shame! Huhuhuhu, my body is all in pain. My chest hurts! I want to cry hard right now but my pride as the son of the great knight commander won't let me.

I am so ashamed of myself. Now what should I do to impress the girl I like for years? This trip was supposed to be romantic and make my relationship with Calynn stronger so that she will fall inlove with me! But why! Huhuhuhuhu, I failed before getting started with my plans.

I tried to stand up then was push hard to the ground by someone. I tried to lift my head but someone step on me and I can't move. Ouch! Huhuhuhu, I'm in pain, I'm hurt! I'm hurt badly! Huhuhu! Mommy! huhuhuhuhu.....

"Where do you think you are going?" that voice. I recognize that voice but why?

"You really think you will be alive today? You must die fool! - ahh!" I close my eyes tight and prepared myself for death but then after waiting for minutes still I don't feel any sharp blade slash into me.

I was debating with myself on whether should I open my eyes and take a look or just keep closing them. I am still shaking from fear but I tried to calm myself in thought that Calynn might get another bad points from me and I'll gradually lose a chance to court her. Then that sweet voice awaken me from day dreaming....

"It's fine to be scared sometimes... besides you're cute being a crybaby" she says to me with a gentle smile. She complimented me! My heart is going crazy!




I don't know when the fight ends because I was busy repeating what she said to me. Wahhh! She's so awesome I'm really gonna do this now! They have tied up the culprit and hang him on the tallest branch of the mango tree with traps underneath him if ever he tries to escape. They have put sharp pointed bamboos around it and poisonous bees. Yeah, that is scary!

"Calynn, have you contacted them?" I heard Lady Avery ask her.

She just nods her head cutely while happily eating her cupcakes. I snap myself for a moment and think through what had happened today. My father is the general of the royalties and has a huge reputation in the kingdom and its a good thing that nothing worse happen to the other guests. We continued our tracks to the campsite because I know that by now my father and his men we'll be there waiting for us. I just hope I won't get scolded and get humiliated in front of her this time.

"Your feeling okay? Hungry? Here have some of this cakes its delicious" a sweet voice renders at my ears and I gradually turn my head to look at the owner of this sweet and tender voice... Calynn. She is smiling at me while urging me to take a cupcake at the cute box she's holding.

"Why is your face... *laughs* like a fresh tomato? *laughs*" she laughs and I felt my face burn hotter because of embarassment.

"I..I'm o-okay! Thank!" I stuttered then look around and tries to calm down.

"Sorry, did I offend you?" she seriously ask and when I look at her I gasp because she was about to cry? Oh no! Did I bully her? What to do?

"No, no, no! You didn't offend anyone." I tried coaxing her but she still looks like she is about to cry any minute so I look at the cupcakes she have and take one then bite it. I saw she was staring at me so I cough..... really hard.



I stared at her. She is so beautiful when she is smiling. I didn't even realized that I was also smiling with her. She then surprise me when she holds my other hand where I hold my sword. I notice that she was worrying about me.

"I'm fine just a scratch Calynn by the way thanks for saving me earlier." I told her with a gentle smile. I was confuse when she look around and her face is flushing red. Oh no! Is it because she was in the sun for a long time and had a heatstroke? A thought come to me, I remove my cape and found some twigs then I create a small umbrella for her.

"It's so hot I should have brought an umbrella for you I am sorry Calynn" I sincerely apologize. I am stupid if only I recognize it earlier that she is feeling hot!

"Thank you." She replied while still staring at my face. I flushed hard and look down while carrying the umbrella for her.

                                           (Just imagine its Henry and Calynn with an umbrella)

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                                           (Just imagine its Henry and Calynn with an umbrella)

"You've been calling me by my name twice just now..." she said after the silence. I stared at her.


"I said you're... nevermind." She stops.

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