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Calynn's POV

He is smiling at me... he's smile is genuine. He is so handsome and sweet unlike the cakes I taste before. His hair is so soft just like his baby skin. He is cute when he's shy. A crybaby but brave and is a justice person type of guy. I wonder where and when did I see him before? I seem to have been familiar with him before when I was little but I totally don't know remember now.

I stop fantasying him when I heard what he blurted out infront of me- especially everyone here present while kneeling and staring at me seriously yet passionately

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I stop fantasying him when I heard what he blurted out infront of me- especially everyone here present while kneeling and staring at me seriously yet passionately. Is it just me or I really heard him say....

"I want to marry you........... Lady Calynn" he confessed which shocked us all. He said it on my blushing tomato face!

"What....did....you...?" I stuttered! Calm down Calynn Levi Magnus the guy just confessed or propose to you or whatever! No need for a heart attack! Relax! He just wants to ask you to ma...rry..marry him! I blushed again and my mind is not functioning well.









"Ehem!" I didn't look at the owner of that voice who breaks the intense atmosphere because I was frozen still! My heart is beating faster my face is red and my mind is running elsewhere!

"Son, let's have a talk. Privately." a stern voice echoed the campsite then the next thing I knew I saw his figure walk away and went inside the great general commander's tent which is his father's.

"Lucky! You're very lucky to get engaged Calynn! You better invite us, yeah?" I heard the teasing voice of the jerk prince Aiden and along with him is William who is looking at me weirdly.

"Stop teasing her. Calynn's face is like a ripe tomato already, prince Aiden" my cousin answered back at the prince but with a hint of happiness behind her tune of voice. I slap my face then I hurriedly went inside to my own tent to calm myself down. Heart stay still please! Geez, I need to eat sweets! A lot of it to calm myself.

- - - -

From the shadows a strange man with overwhelming dangerous aura sneeks a look at the scene and was smiling evilly. He snapped his fingers two times then quietly vanished in the woods.

"Why are you here? I thought you are busy with royal activities." 

"We were but then we encounter with the general on our way back and was ambushed by stupid hooligans" William said angrily then drank a mouthful of cold water.

"Relax Wil! It's so hot you might burn alive because of irritation!" Aiden teases

"You were ambushed?" Calynn asked and can't believe what she heard. Good thing she calm down a little bit after eating a bunch of plates of cakes.

"Good thing you're calm now, Calynn" Avery

"I'm fine Avery what I just need are a lot of cakes to eat" Calynn exclaimed joyously. Avery just sigh at the sight of her cousin. Then they turn they attention about the ambush with the two guys beside them and ask about the details.

"Yup, but no worries ladies we handle the situation perfectly like my handsomeness!" Aiden boastfully said while twirling a piece of his golden blond hair and smiled charmingly.

"Something's not right. I wonder who wants to harm us?"

"I am already doing the investigation let's just be alert starting today..... and you better not be stupid" William eyed Avery and she just stared at him back coldly while sipping her fresh juice on her glass. William snorted.

'Who is it? Who is planning to take our lives..... Alright! The battle is on Destiny I will not die this lifetime and so are my family!' Avery seriously said in her mind and listened to her sorroundings.


Inside the General's Tent.....

A silent scream was inside the tent and nobody outside could hear it. The voice of the nervous young man keep repeating and a cold old voice speaks up.

"Henry! Did you realize what you have just said in front of everyone earlier!"

"I....I know father! But.... but I truly meant everything I've said earlier! I only want to marry Calynn in this lifetime!" Henry finally said without stuttering and being nervous while he look at the face of his father who is void of any emotions.


"I won't marry any other woman! I'll kill myself if you- ahhh!" he didn't finishing uttering his sentence when a sharp blade was pointed at his direction and he stumbles back. He faced his father and tries to straighten up in thought of his love for Calynn.

"You fool! Of course I won't hinder you're feelings for Magnus' daughter! I can't believe this you really fall for her. Now we won't worry about you two in the future if we set up your upcoming engagement" his father excitingly said with a smile. He walk back and forth rumbling about something joyously while Henry was lost of what is happening about his father's sudden change of aura.

'Is my father having a mental illness? Wahhhh! My ather is ill!' because of this naive thought Henry walk towards his father and hugged him while starting to cry.

"What's wrong---"

"Waaahhh!.....Fa...ther don't die!....I...I will...... will miss you if you-" Henry stopped crying when he receives a big blow in the head by his father.

"Henry, son why are you quite stupid? Me and your mother are considered one of the genuises in our days why do we have a son.....as...... like you?" His father sighs then tapped the shoulder of Henry while whispering about something which makes Henry very happy and excited and swiflty ran off the tent.

"Seriously, this son of mine is a headache. Finally! The Owen Clan and Magnus clan will be family! Huhuhu, I hope you are happy out there for us..... Nolan and Alessia."

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