Goodness In The Heart Part 3

Start from the beginning

"that's good".

Supergirl doesn't break her focus on you, she continues to watch what was happening in the med-bay, hoping she'd be allowed in soon enough.

A doctor headed for the exit, and greeting Alex, Supergirl and J'onn who waited outside.

"any news doctor?" J'onn asks with his hands on his hips.

"Y/N is stabilised and his wound has been treated, a blood bag was given to him as you can see through this window, also, you can see him now".

"thank you doc" Alex nods her head at the doctor.

He dismisses himself, letting Supergirl in to see you, her eyes are only focused on you.

She grasps your hand, hoping you would wake up soon, sitting at bedside.

"if you can hear me... Thank you for saving me, your heroic actions have been heard throughout the DEO and they personally thank you, your people are safe and sound, they've been given food, water and proper treatment".

She looks at the window, knowing she's being looked at and Alex smiling at her.

"that's... Good to hear" you speak out slowly and quietly, gripping her hand tightly.

"you're awake!" she says smiling, hugging you but you groaning in response due to your injury, she recoils, sputtering apologies at you which you smiled at her.

Alex and J'onn walk in, joining Supergirl.

"you saved my life... you should've left me to die in a pool of my own blood".

"no, your a hero Y/N, you saved lots of lives, innocent lives, saved my sister..."

She stops speaking, covering her mouth.

"Alex!" she shouts at Alex, her sister

"You're... sisters?" you speak out slowly again, confused.

"Alex and Supergirl are not blood sisters, Supergirl was adopted by the Danvers Family when she arrived to Earth when she was 13" J'onn speaks out to you.

"um... This is awkward" The Kryptonian looks away, her face heated up due to how awkward the situation is now.

"I probably should've let J'onn speak before me" Alex murmured to herself, regretting her decision to speak.

"atleast I now know a majority of Aliens have families, friends and also have jobs *looks at J'onn for a split second*, a lesson I've now learned, in which case, I want to apologise for my actions, for blaming the DEO for the destruction Of Heathmoor thanks to the Alien that was released on purpose".

Supergirl faces you again and smiles.

"as I was saying, you saved my sister which I am so grateful for, she always knew there was goodness in your heart, we knew who you were and what happened to Heathmoor, and for that, we'll agree to help your people rebuild, starting this week" Alex smiles at you.

"I've got a question, what's your real name Supergirl? Since... I now know you and Agent Danvers are sisters?"

"it's Kara Danvers, my Kryptonian name is Kara Zor-El and you already know me by the name Supergirl so... No need to go in depth for that".

"best we leave to let you recover Y/N, and thank you, you are in our debt" J'onn raises his hand out for a hand shake with you, personally thanking you for your heroic actions today.

Alex and J'onn leave, it was only you and Kara in the room.

"so... I uh, want to thank you personally, for saving me, especially saving me from getting shot".

"I was protecting you, like I would protect anyone from getting harmed badly".

She smiles brightly and unexpectedly places a kiss on your cheek, making you blush red.

"get some sleep ok? I'll be back in a few hours".

She rises up from her seat and smiles walking out, leaving you completely flabbergasted from the kiss she gave you.

You lightly chuckle before going to sleep, recovering from the injury.

(A few months later)

You awake from your slumber to see her blue comets stare back at you as the morning sun shined through the curtains.

"good morning beautiful" you whisper to your girlfriend.

"morning sunshine".

She rests her head on your chest after you scoot over on back where your facing towards the ceiling and wrap an arm around her.

A stand of blonde hair tickled your skin, as you placed as kiss on her forehead when she looked at you.

"I had fun last night" she smiled.

"same, best night of my life".

She giggled, which she then pulled herself in and placing a kiss on your lips.

"remember when we first met? Well, when we first ever talked face to face?"

"yeah" her comets stared at you.

"I admit I fell in love, you told me that there was still time to turn against Lillian, and rescue my people... Not that Heathmoor is restored, I remembered that question you asked me".

"yeah? I remember it too, and what made you stay?"

"you did Kara, you made me stay and I'm happy you did, as much as I loved to go back to Heathmoor, I would rather stay with you in National City, now that Heathmoor is next to the city so it can also be protected by you and the DEO" you smiled brightly.

Kara grins and snuggles into you deeply, doing her cute little hug she does when she's very happy.

"this is why i love you Y/N, you make me feel happy when I'm already happier with you".

"yeah, you make me feel happy too" you placed a kiss on her head.

"so... What do you want for breakfast?"

She looks at you, and smiles.

"pancakes" she whispers, her smile turning into a grin.

You chuckle at her grin and place a kiss in her lips before getting out of bed to head into the shower.

"can I join you!?" she shouts out as you enter the bathtoom.

You smirk, knowing what Kara is like when you two are in the shower.

"yeah, of course you can!"

There is 'Goodness in the Heart' for those that haven't gone too far into the rabbit hole where they can't get back out from the darkness.

In which case, you almost got trapped in that darkness but fortunately, an Angel swooped down and rescued you from that hole of darkness.

That Angel, was Kara Zor-El of Krypton, Journalist Kara Danvers and also known as the Heroine Supergirl, your Angel...

Supergirl/Kara Danvers/Melissa Benoist Imagines with Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now