"Of course you won't go alone, I wouldn't allow you either if I were them. But tell me if you need anything. And when you come back with the adorable baby boy or baby girl, I want to be the first to see it. Oh my god! I'm gonna be an uncle in one week, I'm starting to get emotional" Hoseok said while drying his fake tears. The night went on with the two best friends chatting and having fun.

Fast forward til one week later

After the very long drive from the capital, Seoul, to Jimin's hometown Busan, Jimin along with Mr. and Mrs. Park were exhausted. It took them extra long to arrive since Mrs. Park had told the driver to be careful and not drive fast to prevent any accidents. Once they had arrived to the penthouse, and the luggage's had been placed in the rooms, all three took a nap to save energy for the rest of the day. Jimin and his grandparents had took off in the early morning and arrived in the afternoon.

"You sure you're not hungry sweetie? I can cook something real fast if you want."

"It's okay Halmeoni, I'm kinda tired. You should take a rest too."

"As you want, I'll see you soon then." She said while closing the door to the room Jimin's gonna stay in for the rest of the week. The said boy let out a sigh out of tiredness, as he took a quick shower and went to bed.

Next day

Jimin had woken up early today since he couldn't maintain his excitement. And it didn't go unnoticed by Mr. Park who was sitting in the living room drinking his morning coffee, a smile spread on his face which made the wrinkles around his eyes come into sight.

"Why so excited little doll? Are you that eager to go out today?" Mr. Park asked, the smile not leaving his lips.

"Of course I am, it's not every day I get to go out and see the world with my eyes" Jimin answered before skipping back to his room and picking up a set of earrings to wear. He left the door to the room open so he'll be able to hear his grandpa. But as Mr. Park heard his grandchild he couldn't help but feel a small amount of guilt. The unpleasant feeling building up in his stomach.

"I'm sorry that you can't go out so often but I hope you know that we're doing this for your safety." Jimin came back to the livingroom while trying to set his second earring in. He hissed a little as he accidentally sticked himself in the ear, but got it right in the second try. It's not so easy trying to wear your earrings when you can't see what you're doing in front of a mirror.

"It's okay Halbeoji, besides I'm used to being at home all the time. But it doesn't make me any less excited to go out." Jimin gave a reassuring smile to his grandpa as he started going to the kitchen to help his grandma in cooking the breakfast.

The day went on as normal - well maybe not for Jimin, since he can finally go out and enjoy without having bodyguards surrounding him and making him feel uncomfortable - they went to the mall and bought some clothes, ate at an ice cream parlour and visited some other places. They didn't miss to eat lunch at a restaurant. Jimin also made sure to capture dozens of scenery's and memories with the little pastel coloured camera of his. He would make sure to look at the photos when he'd be back at home and not be able to go outside. The pictures were of Jimin with his grandparents, the beautiful cloudless blue sky, birds flying, flowers swaying in the wind, just anything you would think of.

Right now they were sitting at a bench in the park. "This is nice, it's been a while since we've been here. It brings back a lot of memories" Mr. Park sighed as he smiled and looked at the children playing in the park. Remembering how he used to go on picnics with his wife and son's family. How Jimin used to chase the butterflies and scare the birds away when trying to catch them.

Jimin giggled "I still remember how scared I was of that big slide. I actually thought I would grow up taller than the slide but I still am shorter than it. It's not fair." He huffed while crossing his arms and pouting in a playful manner.

After enjoying the day there was one last place to go to before going back home and preparing for dinner. They went to visit Jimin's parents as well as Mr. and Mrs. Park's son and daughter in law. The place was kinda far but not too far by car. It was somewhere in the hills with the scenery of a big grass field. The field was full of beautiful, white flowers. The place was quiet and calm. Jimin's parent's graves were in the 7th row on the right side.

Jimin was waiting til his grandparents were done. Soon it would be his turn to talk to his parents. While Jimin was waiting he remembered how his mom always used to tell him when he was a small kid.

"if someday, something happens and we get separated then you come to meet us again, I want you to always be pretty and happy. I want to always see that smile on your face. But I also want you to tell me. Tell me how you're doing, how's your day been? I want you to always know that I'm here." she said while pointing at little Jimin's chest area, right above his heart.

That's why, he spent extra long time today while preparing himself. So he could look pretty for his parents, show them how well and happy he was doing, how thankful he was. He also made sure not to forget that his mother didn't like the colour black. She once said that colour black on clothing always reminded her of gloomy and sad memories. Jimin didn't want his mom to feel uncomfortable when he meets her. That's why he didn't wear black today. For others it may seem disrespectful, but for Jimin, right this moment, he didn't care about respect for once, he only cared about his loved ones.

"Annyeonghaseyo eomma, appa" Jimin greeted after setting the bouquet of flowers on the grave and doing a whole bow, head touching the ground. He stood up again, dusting off the beige coloured jacket. Jimin tried giving the biggest and most sincere smile he could. "It's been a long a time, hasn't it? I've missed you both, so so much. I'm doing fine, I hope you're doing fine too, watching me from up there." There was a pause "I've got some news for you.... I'm gonna be a dad soon" excitement lacing from his voice, but he still tried to be calm "I'm happy, I really am....... but it doesn't mean that I'm the happiest. You told me to not keep something inside of myself, that it's not good for my health, so I'll tell you." Jimin let out a sigh, his smile faltering

"you know, I've been trying, I really am thankful. I really am grateful. I'm trying not to be selfish and act like an ungrateful brat, but it's hard. Sometimes I wish I could yell, get angry without a reason, just open the door and run. But why is it so hard? I'm trying my best to be good, but why is the world so mean to me? Why did you have to leave? Why am I being hostage in my own home? I always think- no actually I overthink, and it always results me having a headache. I'm tired, so tired and lonely. Sitting there and staring at four walls, not having someone to talk to." There was a long minute of silence. Jimin was standing with his head low, staring at the ground in front of him. Hands made to fists and jaw slightly clenched. He had a lump in his throat, a big one. Eyes stinging and probably red. But he managed not let a tear fall. He promised not to cry, he promised to show himself happy and pretty. And he wasn't gonna break his promise.

"Thank you for listening. I didn't have much to talk about this time, but I'll see you soon, before we leave for Seoul again. At that time, hopefully you'll be able to meet with your grandchild. Goodbye for now" Jimin walked back to his grandparents. You could see the urge to cry in his red eyes and that cute pout of his. As soon as he stood in front of his grandparents he was immediately engulfed in a big hug, four arms wrapped around him. That's when his wall broke, as well as his promise. And Jimin cried. He cried in the arms of his grandparents. "You did good, we're so proud of you."

In the end, promises are meant to be broken.


Sorry for being late, I try to publish a new chapter every Saturday but I was kinda busy this weekend so... yeah.

Well, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading 🙂🙃

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