She noted immediately that he was wearing no shirt, but tried not to focus on that aspect. Instead, she frowned curiously, watching as he pulled it a small branch behind him. When he stopped in front of the house, and picked up an axe, she realised what it was for.

It had been rather cold at night, and she hadn't really wondered what was keeping the fire ablaze.

He swung the axe up high and brought it down on the log with a force that split it half way through. Hermione cringed, as she noticed the axe went rather close to his foot. He swung it above him again, and this time the log split all the way through, though she could still hardly watch for fear that he would cut his foot in two.

She realised suddenly that she was showing far too much interest in his activities, and lowered her head back to her book trying to ignore the sound of the chopping axe and falling wood. It was only when she had read the same line at least five times over, that she heard a sharp string of curses from across the grass.

She jumped at the abrupt noise at first, before looking over toward Malfoy. He was seated on the ground, cupping his boot covered foot. Hermione's stomach lurched, as she jumped up and raced toward him.

She stood above him, panicking that maybe he had actually gone and cut his foot off.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her voice full of anxiety.

He looked up as though he just noticed her there, his face contorted into a grimace.

"My foot," He managed to say through grit teeth.

Hermione kneeled and noted with relief that there was no blood. That was a plus, atleast. His boot was still intact, meaning he hadn't cut himself.

She unlaced his boot, and began to slide it off his foot. He hissed in pain.

"What exactly happened?" Hermione asked. She had been so busy trying to ignore him, that she had missed it.

"The bloody log fell on my foot, but I'm fine," he insisted in a strained voice. She ignored him and continued removing his shoe. He grit his teeth.

"Do you have to do that so roughly?" He asked sharply.

She glared at him. "Do you want help or not?"

He looked up at her, his expression one of pain and regret. He nodded.

She managed to get his boot off, after many a string of curse words from Draco, some she'd never even heard of before.

She inspected his foot. It was already bruising, and it looked slightly warped.

"I think it's safe to say it's broken," she told him, eyeing the blue and red marks covering his foot. "Have you got any potions that will take away the pain, or heal bones?"

He shook his head. "No. This is a muggle area. They don't sell any supplies around here to make anything."

She sighed. What kind of wizard didn't keep a stock of healing potions? "Well, then it will have to heal the muggle way."

"What way is that?" He asked looking wary.

"The long way," She explained, standing.

She helped him stand, and he hopped on one foot, with her assistance, to the lounge in front of the unlit fire.

"Lay down," She ordered. He did.

She sat down on the other end of the couch, and pulled out her wand. She eyed him cautiously.

"This is going to hurt," she told him. He looked like he was trying to hide his nervousness.

"What will?" He asked, but before answering, she waved her wand, and a loud crack and crunch resounded from his foot as the boned realigned themselves. She grimaced at the noise, and he groaned in pain.

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dramione AU by Short-circuit-SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now