Chapter 29

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                             which clues are found.

Blaise pointed his wand at Lucius Malfoy's blank, expressionless face as he lay stunned on the floor. His hand was shaking with anger, and the words were coming out of his mouth before he could process what they meant.

"Avada Kedavra!"

There was a flash of green light that blinded him, as his wand vibrated with power and force. The spell ebbed away just as quick as it had come.

He wanted to look down on his victory. The lifeless eyes of Lucius Malfoy, knowing he had not only ended a monsters life for the better, but had saved the lives of countless others.

However, his victory was non-existent. Instead of seeing the cold expression Lucius Malfoy always wore, and most probably would wear in death, he was met with the wide, fearful, brown eyes of Hermione, staring back at him. There was no life in them anymore, just a lone tear running down her cheek toward her ear...

Blaise woke with a start. He was breathing heavily and his heart was thumping in his chest. He let out a long breath, and felt a drop of cold sweat fall from his forehead. It had only been two weeks, but the nightmares were becoming intolerable.

He looked at the clock on the wall. It was 7am. He knew there would be no chance of him getting back to sleep, so he shoved the blankets off himself, and headed toward the bathroom. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but notice the dark rings that sat beneath them.

He was losing it.

He turned the shower to a hot stream and stepped under. He stood idle for a moment, letting his thoughts wonder.

It had been two weeks.

Two weeks since the worst, and most haunting night of his life. Hermione was dead, or so they were all led to believe, and Draco was missing.

Blaise kept going over the facts.

The Aurors had turned up at Malfoy Manor just moments after they had left. All they had found was a group of unconscious wizards. There was no sign of Hermione's body anywhere. He had hexed Narcissa, so she couldn't have removed her body in time, and the Aurors showed up too soon for anyone to dispose of it afterwards. He supposed there were a lot of spells that could do that rather quick...

He fought back the bile.

The facts he knew were that Hermione Granger was not missing. No reports in the Daily Prophet had been printed. No questions from any Aurors. Nothing. Why hadn't her parents reported her missing? Unless something had happened to them...

He splashed warm water on his face. He didn't want to think about that possibility.

All he knew was that he had been told Hermione Granger was dead, but there was no body. And no reports of it. Was there even any evidence in the house...

Blaise froze.

Narcissa's dress had been covered in blood. Blood that was most likely Hermione's. Why hadn't the Aurors found that?

Then he remembered. Most of the Aurors were likely chummy with Lucius. Any evidence they would have found to put anyone in Azkaban would have been destroyed. He grit his teeth in anger. He wasn't going to let them get away with that.

Blaise was certain that Draco had gone back to the Manor that night. Apart from his constant guilty thoughts on how he should have stopped him, should have gone after him, should have just killed Lucius, he was certain that when Draco returned, he was either killed or locked up.

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dramione AU by Short-circuit-SoulmateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora