Chapter 23

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                             which things are forgotten.

Hermione's eyes slowly opened, and she turned her head to the view the world outside the window, blinking as her eyes adjusted to their surroundings. The weather was windy and cold today, and the window was fogged up and covered in raindrops. She groaned as she rolled over onto her other side.

Of course the weather would decide to take a turn for the worst, just as she was starting to feel better.

Hermione had officially been at her Aunt's for five days. Of those five days, she'd spent every afternoon with Emily exploring the countryside, and telling each other secrets about their childhood and current life. Despite only knowing the girl for a few days, she'd felt like she'd made a lifelong friend.

Her first real muggle friend since her muggle-school days. Although, admittedly, she didn't have many friends back then.

She decided after a small internal battle, that it was probably best to get out of bed, despite the horrible weather and the temptation to spend the day under her doona. She headed toward the shower and turned the water on steaming hot, letting it run over her.

Her time away from Hogwarts had been good for her. It was nice to know that there was a world outside of Wizards and magic. To remember that she was not just a wizard, but a human. It was a relief to not be faced with constant prejudice about blood status.

It was one of the reasons she liked Emily so much. The girl admired Hermione for her abilities, and it wasn't constantly marred by the additional 'for a Muggleborn' added on the end of every compliment. In Emily's eyes, she was just...awesome. Hermione had to admit that she relished in it.

She dried off and dressed in a large sweater and jeans before racing down stairs. Aunt Edith was already awake, and was currently attempting to get Hugh and Tom to sit still in their seats long enough for her to comb their hair.

"But I like it messy, mum!" Tom whined, "I look like a rock star!"

Hermione chuckled as Edith rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, sweetie, but if I don't brush your hair, it'll go all crazy like Mione's," Edith told him. He immediately quietened.

Hermione huffed dramatically. "I'm not sure what to say about that."

Edith gave her a smile, "Sorry dear, but it seems to be the only thing that works."

She gave her Aunt a small smile before heading to the kitchen.

She made herself breakfast, which was soon gobbled down by her two cousins. Hermione was surprised that people so small could fit such a large amount in their bellies.

By the time Edith left to take them to the bus stop, the rain had stopped, and Hermione decided that perhaps she might go for a walk, since she had nothing better to do for the day. It was in that way that she missed having classes. For someone who had spent most of her time working on homework, having so much time on her hands was becoming a bit too much.

She left the house that morning rugged up in a thick jacket. The rain was still looking as though it might return, but she hoped it would hold off for a little. She didn't want to be cooped up inside all day.

She wasn't sure how much longer she would be spending at her aunt's house, but she wanted to make the most of the peace and tranquillity before she returned to Hogwarts. It was surprising to herself how little she'd thought about the things that awaited her at the school. The scowls, the gossip, the drama...Draco.

Draco was the one thing she was torn about. She missed him; of course she did, he was important to her, but on the other hand, she felt stupid for missing him. He'd given up on her so easily. Was he missing her?

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dramione AU by Short-circuit-SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now