Chapter 4

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                             which there's drama in Hogsmeade.

Two eight year-old boys sat in the surrounding field of a large manor, broomsticks in hand. The boys were opposites in every way: one had hair of platinum white, stormy-gray eyes, and alabaster skin. He was arrogant, reckless, and loved trouble.

The other had hair of ebony, eyes so dark they looked black, and olive skin. He was reserved, logical, and rarely caused trouble. Despite their differences, they were best friends, and had always been.

"I'll race you to the end of the field, Blaise!" Said the blonde boy, excitedly, jumping on his broomstick and hovering a few feet above the ground.

The ebony-haired boy hesitated, "Uncle Lucius said to stay close to the manor, Draco. If he catches us he won't let us ride the brooms anymore."

The other boy scoffed. "Come on, don't be a wimp! Father won't catch us, I promise, and if he does I'll say it was my idea." He gave Blaise a reassuring smile.

Blaise hesitated once more, before finally nodding and mounting his broom, hovering next to Draco. He looked to the end of the field; it was at least a few kilometres away.

"On the count of three, ok?" Said Draco excitedly, the other boy nodded, gripping his broomstick tightly. "One! Two! Three!"

On three, they both took off as fast as they could, faster than they were allowed too. Blaise could hear Draco laughing as he flew a few metres in front of him and couldn't help but join in. The feeling of flying was exhilarating; he could feel the wind whipping his hair back and rushing past his ears.

He caught up to Draco in seconds and the blonde turned to him and gave him a bright smile as they flew side by side.

They reached the hedged border of the field in minutes and came to a halt, both wind-swept and grinning from ear to ear.

"See," Draco began, dismounting his broom, "I told you it'd be great! I can't wait til I get to fly whenever I want! I'll become a famous Quidditch player!"

The other boy shrugged, as he hopped off his own broomstick and they began walking side-by-side along the end of edge of the field. The manor was now a small speck in the distance.

"Quidditch is ok, I suppose." The ebony-haired boy said, as the strolled along. The other boy looked at him incredulously.

"Ok? OK?" Draco cried, waving his arms about, "Quidditch is the best! When I go to Hogwarts I'm gonna join the House Team. I'll become the Captain!" He said smiling brightly.

They walked along for a few moments, occasionally stopping to have a sword fight with their broomsticks, when they heard a strange noise from over the hedge. It sounded like a weird clicking sound.

They both looked at each other before running to the one gate that was free of hedge and climbing on it so they could see better. Neither of the boys had been this far down the field before, so they didn't know what was beyond the hedge.

Upon looking, they saw a dirt road that ran parallel to the hedge. It didn't look like it was used that often. Beyond it was another green field, and looking around they could see houses in the distance, nothing as extravagant as the manor, but small humble cottages.

Both boys climbed over the gate, leaving their broomsticks to lean against it, when they heard the strange clicking sound again, this time accompanied with a small bell.

They looked down the road and saw a small blonde girl riding toward them on some sort of wheeled contraption.

"Whoa, what is that thing?" Draco asked as she rode further up the road.

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dramione AU by Short-circuit-SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now