Chapter 12

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                             which discoveries are made.

Blaise stood in front of the bathroom mirror adjusting his dress robes for what seemed like the tenth time that night. He was never one to worry so much about his looks, since most of them came naturally, but tonight he wanted to ensure he looked the best he could. It was the Halloween dance, and surprisingly, he was now looking forward to it.

Asking Hermione to the dance had been a good idea, especially since Luna was going with Neville, he was certain Hermione would want to dance with Neville for most of the night, which meant he would dance with Luna as much as he wanted. He was practically bouncing at the thought.

The last few days had been some of the most enjoyable for Blaise. He and Luna were getting along better than he ever hoped, and he was the happiest he'd been in a long time. Unfortunately, not everyone had shared that sentiment.

In every class Blaise had attended since people found out about the odd pairing, he had been the target of whispers and rude remarks about dating 'Loony' Lovegood. He took it in his stride, however, knowing that it was worth it. These people meant nothing to him, and Luna meant everything. After a couple of days, most people found something else to gossip about.

When he'd plucked up the courage to tell Draco, before the rumours had circulated, his friend had stared at him incredulously for a moment, before bursting out in loud guffaws. That went on for a good two minutes before Blaise finally got so annoyed he threw a shoe at the blonds head. Needless to say, that had stopped his laughter.

"You really can pick them," Draco had said amusedly as he rubbed his head. Blaise scowled.

"At least I have the determination to go get my girl despite what everyone thinks," he'd shot back. This had silenced Draco, and despite the fact that it had been a low blow, he knew it needed to be said. Both Draco and Hermione needed to get their acts together.

Blaise had not disclosed any information to Draco about his conversation with Hermione, or her breakdown and confusion about her feelings for him. Despite the fact that Draco was his best mate, he thought it was best to give Hermione time to sort herself out, and see what she really wanted. He was sure if Draco knew, he would push her and push her until eventually he pushed her away completely.

Unfortunately, since that conversation, she was more distant with both of them than she had been previously. In class she didn't so much as look at either Blaise or Draco; she couldn't be found in the library; and even after dinner she raced up the staircase far too quick for Blaise to catch up with her. The only time Blaise had managed to talk to her was on the way out of Potions one day, and that was only to confirm that they were still going to the dance together.

Draco had tried to act as indifferent as possible about her total ignorance toward him, but Blaise saw him watching her every now and then with a disappointed expression; whenever he was caught, however, he'd merely smirk and make a comment about how she'd come around eventually. Blaise knew he wasn't certain he really believed that.

Blaise adjusted his robes for the last time feeling pleased with his appearance. His mother, stepping up to her duties as she did for a few events each year, had sent him a new pair of robes just for the occasion. They were a dark green, almost black, with silver trim. Very Slytherin, indeed. Either way, they suited his black hair and olive skin.

Blaise hadn't really been concerned with what he would wear, but was pleased and thoroughly surprised when he received his mothers' package, especially since he hadn't heard from her in weeks. At least he now knew she was somewhere in Russia, and from the sound of it she was safe and happy.

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dramione AU by Short-circuit-SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now