Chapter 28

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                             which hearts stop.

A pained groan in the surroundings brought Blaise out of the darkness. He opened his eyes and saw Potter sitting a few feet away, rubbing his forehead. There was a small gash spilling blood down his cheek, but he hadn't seemed to notice that yet. He began feeling around the ground for his glasses.

Blaise pushed himself up off the ground, feeling his muscles ache as he did so. It must have been a powerful hex he was hit with, because his whole body was screaming at him. He looked past Potter, and saw that Nott was also just coming out of his short coma. He couldn't see Draco anywhere. They must have taken him.

"Potter," Blaise spoke, his voice a small croak. Potter continued squirming in pain. He'd discovered his wound and was now frantically wiping the blood away. Ironically, it was only inches away from his other infamous scar.

"Potter, are you ok?" Blaise repeated, more urgently this time.

"I think a hex hit him on the side of his head," a deep voice said from a few feet away. It was Nott. He was sitting up, looking worse for wear, but uninjured. "I didn't see at the time, but it looks like the wound is right above his ear. It means all he is probably hearing right now is a ringing sound."

Blaise stared at the other boy a moment, before turning back to Potter. He was still grimacing.

"Do you have any more Dittany left?" Blaise asked.

Nott put on a steely expression, "Why should I give it to you?"

Blaise felt the anger rush through him, "Because given the current fucking situation, I think old feuds can be forgotten."

"You think just because we got attacked together that we're going to bond over the experience?" Nott spat.

"Just give me the fucking potion!" Blaise snapped, racing across the ground like an animal and grabbing the boy by the collar.

Nott scowled. He reached into his pocket and grabbed the small bottle, before tossing it to the ground. Blaise, breathing raggedly, gave him one last look, before grabbing it and racing to Potter.

He undid the stopper and poured it on Potters gaping head wound, and a drop in each ear. Potter was still shaking, even as the potions effects were felt, and his wounds healed.

"Potter," Blaise demanded, "can you hear me?"

The bespectacled boy eyes were hooded as he nodded. "Yeah. Thought I was deaf for a moment there."

Blaise let out a sigh, and sat roughly back on the hard ground. That was one crisis averted. Now they had bigger things to deal with.

He looked at their surroundings. It was dark still, so they hadn't been out for long. Maybe an hour or so. He was certain that it was Lucius who had taken Draco and Hermione, and could only assume they were being held at Malfoy Manor.

"We need to find Draco." Potter said anxiously, "Granger as well. They're probably being tortured as we speak."

Blaise knew that it was an all too likely scenario. He stood abruptly, ignoring the dizziness that overcame his vision. "We need to get Ron. The more of us, means a less likely chance of getting hexed again."

There was an amused snort from beside them. Nott was standing, brushing dirt of his dark clothes, looking more than amused.

"What's so funny?" Potter demanded, defensively.

"You two, acting like a couple of Gryffindors, "Oh, I'll be a hero and save the day, blah, blah, blah." He mocked, shaking his head in amusement. "You should just accept, that unless those Death Eaters let your friends go, then you stand no chance."

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dramione AU by Short-circuit-SoulmateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz