Chapter 18

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                             which Draco loses something else.

Weekends were always a relaxing time at Hogwarts, especially when there was a Quidditch game on. Those who normally spent their time in doors chatting away were instead outside watching the game which left the library free of noise and gossip. This was definitely one of Hermione's favourite weekends.

The Quidditch game was between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Hermione, despite the fact she was a Gryffindor, had no interest in watching the game at all. She never had, and she supposed she never would. She wondered if they hated her for that, but they had never exactly shown her any kindness so she supposed it was fair treatment.

Similarly, Neville had skipped the whole event in order to help Hannah Abbot with herbology; Hermione had to admit the girl was either horrible at the subject, or merely enjoyed Neville's company. She assumed it was the latter, or at least hoped for her friends' sake. Neville's eyes seemed to light up whenever the Hufflepuff was in view, and it was hard to deny that all these study dates may just be a ruse for something else.

Hermione had become more doting on her friendship with Neville over the past few weeks, especially after their 'misunderstanding' about her relationship with Draco. She wasn't sure why he had suddenly decided to forgive her for lying to him, but she wasn't going to push him for answers. She was just happy to have him back in her life. Over the last few weeks of January, and the start of February, she and Neville had been as close as they'd ever been.

Unfortunately, Hermione couldn't say the same about all of her friendships. Ginny hadn't spoken to her for weeks, though she had given Hermione the occasional nervous smile. It was almost as if the red-head wasn't sure of how to bridge the gap that had grown between them.

Hermione was certain the anonymity Ginny showed towards her was no longer caused by the incident with Draco, but something else entirely. Ginny had just seemed different lately. As though she had discovered something that had changed her, or at least made her mature slightly.

Hermione hoped the younger girl would approach her soon, and that they could possibly recover some semblance of friendship between them. Hermione knew she would never be as close to Ginny as she could've been if it wasn't for the recent turn of events, but she did miss having a female friend to talk to.

Hermione shook her head of that thought. She did have a female friend; Luna. The blonde Ravenclaw had been sitting with her and Blaise in the library just an hour ago, before she raced off to retrieve her Ravenclaw headdress to show support for her team.

Hermione felt slightly guilty that she didn't show the same enthusiasm for her own House, especially since Luna hardly had a friendly relationship with most of her housemates.

She sighed and looked over at Blaise who was scratching away at his parchment with a look of deep concentration on his face. She envied him for the fact that he was able to concentrate on a day that provided so much opportunity for peace and quiet. Hermione couldn't help but analyse everything that was going on lately.

"Why don't you watch the Quidditch games like everyone else?" Hermione asked suddenly. Blaise looked up with a distant expression on his face, before focusing on her own.

"Huh? Oh, I do occasionally. Mainly when Slytherin play," he shrugged, "I like Quidditch, but there are better things to do with my day."

Hermione nodded, and went back to her work. After a moment of silence, Blaise spoke.

"Why are you asking about Quidditch anyway? Missing Draco that much?" he teased with a small smirk.

Hermione scowled, though the blush on her cheeks ruined the affect. "No. I was just curious. Do you think Draco will want me to watch him when he plays?"

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