Chapter 17

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                             which things aren't as doomed as they seem.

Hermione stood at the bottom of the stairs that led to the girls' dormitory, peeking around the corner into the slowly emptying common room. As she saw Neville finally check his watch for the last time, with a sigh, before picking up his bag and leaving, she finally stepped out from her hiding spot.

In all honesty, Hermione was tempted, for the first time in her life, to skip class and go to the hospital wing with a fake illness. She knew, however, that she'd have to face her classmates at one point, so that seemed rather useless.

Hermione knew by now that the rumour of her and Draco's relationship would surely be circulating the Great hall breakfast tables, and no doubt Neville would have heard a whisper of it on his way down to eat.

It was just Hermione's horrible luck that she and Draco would get found on, literally, on their first day of being together. She knew it was their fault, though; they hadn't been as careful as they should've been. They shouldn't have been meeting in the library. Even though they had met there multiple times before, they were bound to be stumbled upon at one point.

Hermione had spent nearly all night in bed wondering who it was. Was it someone who loved gossip? Or was it someone who might keep it quiet? She knew the chances of the whole event not coming out were slim to none. The news of Draco Malfoy, pureblood snob, snogging Hermione Granger, Mudblood, would be just too saucy to pass up.

Hermione at least knew the person wasn't someone in Gryffindor; otherwise, she would have most definitely been rounded up when she returned to the common room the night before. No, no one in Gryffindor knew yet, therefore it was someone from one of the other houses. She just prayed that it wasn't a Slytherin.

Hermione picked up her book bag and hung it from her shoulder. She took a calming breath, and headed towards the portrait hole and down to breakfast. There was no point putting this off any longer. If the whole school was going to stare at her and whisper about her, then she may as well get it over and done with now.

Downstairs in the dungeons, the Silver Marauders sat on the end of their beds, discussing the events that would surely lead to Draco either getting disowned, or severely hexed. They all had a feeling it would be a latter.

After returning from the library the previous night, Draco had informed his three friends of what had happened in the library, before listing his suspicion of Ginny. Weasley hadn't exactly supported the theory, but given the evidence, even he had to admit it seemed as though Ginny was the one who had seen them.

"It had to be her," Draco said again, "She was angry at me and slapped me just before I left for the library. It's likely that she followed me there. I've no doubt she's said something to Granger, or the whole Gryffindor common room. It sounds like something she'd do if she was pissed off enough, right Weasley?"

He nodded. "Yep. You don't wanna get on her bad side."

"Bit late for that," Potter added unnecessarily.

Blaise sighed. "Are you sure it was her? Why was she mad at you anyway? Even if she did see you guys, there's a good chance she won't say anything, she's friends with Hermione after all."

Draco shifted uncomfortably in his seat, causing Blaise to cock his head and eye the blond suspiciously. "What the fuck did you do?"

Draco locked his hands together in front of him. "I may have told her that the only reason I dated her was to piss you off."

There was a moment of silence, in which Blaise was openly glaring at the other teen. From the side, Weasley spoke up, his voice full of confusion, "Why would that piss Zabini off?"

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dramione AU by Short-circuit-SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now