Chapter 30

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                             which the end finally comes.

Hermione's eyes blinked open, and she let out a short groan. A quick knock on the door had woken her, and from the light seeping through the window, she could tell it was early morning.

She rolled over. Couldn't Malfoy just let her sleep?

She had discovered, from listening to his footsteps, that his room was just across from hers, next to the bathroom. She had heard him get up earlier that morning and walk down the stairs. Hermione would normally be up relatively early, as she liked the refreshing feeling of it, but she now found herself sleeping in longer to avoid the imminent conversation she would have to force with Draco.

She sighed, before rolling back over. She couldn't sleep forever.

She slumped out of bed, trying in a futile attempt to flatten her curls down with her hand. She dragged her tired body to the door and opened it, ready to berate Draco for waking her. However, when she opened the door he wasn't there, and instead a tray of toast soldiers and soft-boiled eggs, with a big cup of tea sat at the doorway. Her throat caught. This was the breakfast her mother would make for her when she was younger. It had and always would be her favourite.

Her stomach grumbled loudly, and it was only then that she realised she hadn't eaten since she had arrived here, finding her pride to strong to take anything from the blond. It seemed that Draco hadn't forgotten that either, as the tray was rather full.

She sat on her bed and enjoyed each bite of the delicious breakfast as it filled her thankful stomach. She mused at how well Draco had made the eggs, as they were quite difficult to get right, and could only assume he'd had the help of his wand.

She finished the last piece of toast, basking in how good it felt to have a decent meal and a full stomach. She decided that maybe she wouldn't spend the whole day in her room, bored, and that perhaps she would sit outside in the sun and read a book. Draco had already made a peace offering for the day, perhaps he would leave her alone.

She showered quickly, and pulled on a light dress, leaving her feet shoeless. She stared in the bathroom mirror at her reflection. Her hair was slightly tamer, as it hung in damp curls around her neck. The skin under her eyes was slightly brighter, and she could only attribute it to the sleep she'd had last night. It was the first time she'd felt safe in a while.

Overall, Hermione felt refreshed. Something she hadn't felt in a long time.

She left the bathroom and headed downstairs with a book. She glanced around the lower portion of the house to find it empty. Maybe Malfoy was out?

She opened the front door, and breathed in the warm air deeply before stepping out into the sun.

She spotted a nice area under a nearby tree that looked like a relaxing place to read. She headed over, and sat down, leaning her back against the tree trunk.

The area surrounding the cabin was beautiful. It was a thick wood of trees, some in bloom, others dead or dying. Their leaves scattered the ground, leaving a satisfying crunch under her feet as she walked. Hermione tried to see through the trees to the area beyond, but they were far too thick. It was isolated, but not in a disturbing way. She felt quite safe here.

She opened up her book to the page where her tatty bookmark sat, and began reading.

After a few moments, she heard a rustling noise coming from the other side of the trees. Her heart raced. She had groped her hand around her wand, just in time to see a blond head of hair appear from within the woods, dragging a small tree trunk behind him.

The Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dramione AU by Short-circuit-SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now