She shook her head. No! She didn't hear anything! She was never here! Harry didn't hear anything either! She looked up to see the ghost white face of her little brother. He was shaking badly and staring right back at her with wide fractured eyes.

What had she done!

But in spite it being wrong, she was happy that Harry was here with her. Because she too was scared and needed the support. She crawled closer to him and wrapped him tightly in her arms, burying her own face into his neck while he did the same. At least, Leanna had blocked out most of their shouts by closing his ears. But she had no idea how much he had heard. And as for what she herself had heard.... Leanna burrowed in even closer. It was just the two of them now, against the horrible world. Leanna would never let go of Harry.

"Oh Gods above!!! No!" Suddenly someone wailed outside.

Both she and Harry sat up straight. There was a man crying outside. Crying badly. As badly as she herself felt like doing for she had a foreboding chill as too what had happened outside. But she was still in denial.

Harry however, had reached his limits as he sobbed out loud. Leanna rushed to clamp his mouth shut but it was too late. They had been heard!

The weeping outside came to a sudden stop and silence reigned. It was quiet was so long that Leanna had started to hope that whoever it was, had gone away. 

The door to their parents' chamber shut quietly shut and bolted. Then she heard a hoarse whisper, as if the speaker was flooded with heavy emotions. "Harry?" The familiar voice rang out.

Uncle Harley!

Harry started crying louder.

Leanna heard her uncle rush towards the wall. "Oh thank the Lords at least you are safe! Where are you though? Its as if the walls have swallowed you!"

Leanna replied in a trembling voice. "They have, in a way. We are in the secret tunnels."

Uncle Harley sobbed out in relief. "Leanna darling! You are here too! Thank the Gods over hundred times!" He was quiet for a while before asking in a scared voice. 

"How long have you two been in there?"

Harry's answering wails must have given him his answers for Leanna heard him curse out loud.

"Should we come out now?" Leanna asked shakily. Both of them needed to get out of there. But Uncle Harley immediately negated. "

No! Don't come out! Listen, I want both of you to..... No. I need both of you to follow my instructions carefully! Okay?..... Its too dangerous for you both to be seen here right now. Do both of you remember the lose grate I showed you, underwater, inside the Kaili's channel?"

"Yeah!" Harry hiccupped.

"Get out through there. Use the passages till you reach the water and get out! I'll meet you both outside!"

"Promise?" Both of the siblings called out together.

Uncle Harley's voice was tight with emotions. "I swear! I will never leave you both for the rest of my life!! Now go! Hurry!"

Without wasting another moment, they held their hands together and sprinted. Following the map without a single error. They didn't even return back to their rooms to get changed. When they finally emerged into the moonlight, they didn't wait. Leanna stuffed the old map into the mouth of the secret entrance and both of them jumped into the warm waters. The path seared into their memories by multiple lessons from their uncle. They swam blindly through the tear in the grate easily, and were outside the fortress in no time.

Uncle Harley was indeed waiting them with the most trusted king's guards and multiple horses. His clothes bore a reddish stain and he was armed to the teeth. He was quick to give both of them a very tight and protective hug and hundreds of kisses before helping them up onto their steeds. Stella and Solaris. Leanna, like her brother, was completely disoriented and lost and just did what was asked of her. Her only coherent thought was to stick with her brother. Nothing else mattered anymore. Not even breathing.

Uncle Harley looked at them with a broken and scared expression. "We'll talk later, I promise. But right now, we need to run. RUN!"

And they did. They ran.

Off to an uncertain future.

DUN...DUN...DUN... Ah well....This is just the beginning. Next chapter gets better I swear. It has...(clears throat) spoilers from me.


- Lani 💙

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