Leanna was the heir and took the throne, their uncle acting as the regent until she was ready. But both Harry and his sister quickly learned that people could do horrible things to be in power. So, they took the throne before anyone else could. But here was the thing- to everyone outside of their very small trust circle, no one knew of the huge role Harry played in the ruling process. It was all done under veils of secrecy. Behind false facades and masks. To them, he was just a shy introvert. Just a name. A shadow. Just an omega.

And Harry was just fine with that. Being invisible meant freedom and safety. Two valuable possessions for a royal. Two incredibly valuable possession for a royal omega.

"Do stop overthinking" Niall complained from his side. "You're giving me a headache with all those brainwaves"

"Niall don't be ridiculous! You and I both know that even my super strong brainwaves can't penetrate that thick head of yours!"

"Would it really kill you be a nice sweet omega most people think you are?" His childhood best friend and royal companion muttered as they walked past the queens guards who curtseyed in respect.

"Oh kind sir," Harry cooed theatrically. "What would I ever do without you. I owe you my life! You have saved my despicable soul from rotting in the depths of hell. Your very chivalric presence makes me swoon!" This was promptly followed by choking and gagging. "Niall help! I am dying of niceness!"

"Finally! Good riddance" Niall didn't even bat his eyelashes. "I even have potential obituary quotes ready. Wanna hear them?"

"You are a jerk."

"You are a turd."

Soon they were at the threshold in front of two white stallions. Harry faced away from Niall as his royal companion draped his cloak over his shoulder. Both of them then mounted their steeds and joined Leanna in the front of the troops. Everyone had been informed that Harry was joining them to give support to the women and children in Raveria like an ideal royal omega. He had snorted when he was told the lie. He would be supporting all right. Just a different category of people.

Niall turned to Leanna, who still seemed agitated from her outburst a while ago. "Hey, sorry about earlier. I know what you have done for him. I apologize to have crossed the line."

Leanna gave a curt nod and gave him a small smile. "It's okay. I know I smother him with overprotectiveness sometimes," Her grin turned evil. "But I can't help it! I think it's his curly wavy shiny locks."


"And the bewitching green eyes with the glitter." Niall added.

"Stop it!"

"And the chubby cheeks which I just want to squeeeeeeze!"

To Harry's horror, his sister reached out towards his said chubby cheeks but he quickly maneuvered Solaris, his steed, and escaped the brutal assault. He had lost his chubby cheeks when Leanna had lost her niceness.

"I hate you!"

"He was so cute and cuddly as a baby. Just like a little kitten!" Leanna continued. "I wonder what happened to him."

"Old age." Niall sighed solemnly. "It explains the crankiness and that foul mouth."

"Shut up! You are jerks!"

Leanna shook her head sadly. "Such language broth­­er! Especially from an omega prince."

"Your vocabulary is far worse than mine, dear sister."

Leanna opened her mouth for another repartee but Harry interrupted. "We really must go now. We have a duty to perform." Harry said seriously. He was usually the one more level minded out of the two.

Leanna stared ahead and didn't say reply. Sensing her unease, harry gestured Niall to give them some space and waited till he trotted away.

"What is it sis? And don't tell me it's nothing because you have been like this ever since war was declared."

Leanna continued to stare at the horizon, beyond the massive castle gates, the army, the fields, all the way till the rapidly lightening horizon and still further beyond.

"Lea?" Harry's voice was soft.

The warrior turned to look at him and Harry was shocked to see tears. He immediate reached out and stroked her cheek comfortingly. He quietly read her face and instantly knew what was wrong. "You are afraid." He stated.

"Yes! I am afraid. So so afraid. I mean...war? We are too young for this! We are not ready for this! I am not ready for this!" Leanna burst out.

Harry didn't say anything and just waited. He knew his sister would divulge the real reason for her agitation. Yes, they were too young. Eighteen and twenty-one was no age to wear an armor and charge out seeking blood. But he knew both of them were more than capable. Had known it since the day Leanna had marched down the grand court room and sat down on the throne declaring herself as the High alpha of the kingdom of Carnelia at the tender age of eleven. She was a lioness, brave, fierce and protective.

Their uncle Harley had immediate stepped down as regent and given her the reins. But he was always there to help them. He was one of the reasons they survived the storm which had brewed after their parents' deaths.

Leanna quickly composed herself and took in a deep breath. "Harry, I have been having a really bad feeling. Something terrible is going to happen Something big."

Harry stilled.

The reason Leanna was a great ruler was because of her infallible instincts. Whether good or bad, they were always correct. And the fact the Leanna had shed tears did not bode well for them at all. And Harry knew just how bad the situation can turn out to be in these circumstances. They could be walking into their deaths or worse. And as an omega, worse was usually what awaited him. But he refused to think about it now.

"Promise me Harry, no matter what happens, you'll do everything you can to keep yourself safe." She squeezed his hand to her cheeks.

Harry looked her straight in the eye, Green with gold streaks like his very own, and gave a small crisp nod. The message was clear. Royal alphas were killed fearing revolts and resurrections. The fate reserved for royal omegas however, were much worse than death. Harry always carried a concealed vial of poison with him ever since his childhood. It was messed up, but that was just how things were.

Leanna kissed his hands one more time, before trotting away to lead the army, her bring-it-you m*****f*****s face on. Harry was not kidding when he claimed his queen's vocabulary was shocking. She could cuss you out with just her expressions.

"Oh my god! You two so dramatic. All those emotions make me crave for a second breakfast!" Niall complained as he came back.



Harry's lips slightly turned up. He pulled his reigns

"All this hungry- waves you're giving out is making my stomach ache. Quit it."



The war has begun. Get tissues for the next chapter. You might need it. 

So did you like it? I would love to hear from you.😊

Also, the first 22 chapters are in present-past-present-past format. My time machine is in dire need of maintenance. It broke down by the time I reached 23.

Lots of Love

- Lani💙

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