Lets Get Started

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Thank you immensely for giving this story a try. It means a lot to me.

Important stuff: 


Except for Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall, all characters and places are my own creation. These characters, places and events are pure fictitious. Any similarity to actual places or people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.


There is a reason I wrote this story. You will find out why eventually. 

The settings are fictional, But it does carry truth. Many events are closely based events which are realistic . There are some hard facts in the story. Just warning you in advance.


Death of minor characters and major villains.

Assault ( Its been dealt sensitively and is just one chapter. Skipping it won't cause disruption in the understanding of the overall plot.)


One Last thing: This is a Larry Stylinson Fanfiction and Harry and Louis do fall in love. 

But I have also made it practical. The character building and character arcs have been given importance and they come in the beginning. And trust me, the character development makes the lovey-dovey even more better. Be patient (like Louis is going to be). The good stuff will come eventually.

Anything else which is necessary will be with the chapters themselves.

And don't copy my work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. (Also, I  would really hate it if I have to smash your head with my frying pan Rapunzel style. I mean it!!!)  But you can DM me for translations.

And since the story is already complete...I'll try my best to not spill the beans too much.  

Started Writing: 19 June 2021

Finished Writing: 18 July 2021

Started editing: 19 July 2021

finished editing: 31 July 2021

Started uploading: 1 August 2021

Finished uploading: 31 August 2021

Enough talk... Lets get started!

- Lani💙

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