Chapter 54

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Lisa probably figured out that the plot of catching her cheating in the original book happened with the original owner and Huai Jin. Jungkook was full of murderous aura now that it was not impossible to stab Huai Jin to death in rage.

She and Huai Jin couldn't explain clearly in one or two sentences about why there were together in this house. Besides, Jungkook had always been biased against Huai Jin, and she dared not take risks.

Jungkook held her in his arms and gently touched her head, "Wait."

His voice was low and hoarse, and his expression was cold. The more he was like this, the more frightened Lisa was.

Sure enough, Jungkook walked straight towards the cabinet where Huai Jin hid. Lisa's heart suddenly felt like it lifted in the air, and her heart was tense. She pulled the corner of his clothes, with a subtle cry, "I want to go back."

Lisa remembered the picture of Huai Jin's last tragic death in the snow, which made it hard for her to bear. This simple and kind boy should not meet such an end. Lisa also knew that the fate of others in the original book could be changed.

Jungkook sighed softly. He stopped his pace and said, "What do you want me to do with you?"

Lisa nested in his chest, hooked his neck with her arms, and distinctly smelled the strong smell of blood on his body. She buried her face and said pleadingly, "I'm dying...let's go back."

Jungkook lightly removed the tender arms on his waist. He was very unhappy to hear such sullen words from her mouth.

After a long silence, he finally gave in. He turned around and went out in a different direction. "I'll listen to you once."

Although the door of the cabinet was closed, Jungkook's sword, which he had been holding in his hand, flew directly into the cabinet wood. The tip of the sword struck the middle of the wardrobe and made a sharp sound.

Huai Jin shivered in the corner of the right side of the cabinet. He curled up into a ball.

He was really trying hard not to jump out when he almost could have died. When he couldn't hear any sound, Huai Jin dared to breathe loudly. He pushed open the door of the cabinet and crawled out. The sword that Jungkook threw away was only a finger away from him. The cold wind crawled along his back to the back of his head.

His face turned white with anger, "This dog man kicked me, and even went after my life! Watch out, I'm pissed off now!"

He could't eat any food tonight.

Hua Jin's eyes were red. He had never seen such a fierce battle since he was a child.

He was very frightened.

He just thought that if he would turned into a ghost, he would haunt Jungkook forever.


Lisa's body was very hot. She was restless as she touched her hands and feet. She was so uncomfortable to the point she groaned heavily.

Jungkook held her shaking hands, "Don't worry."

Lisa had been patient for a long time since the time she was with Huai Jin. She dared not take off her clothes.

She was like a hungry ghost under Jungkook's arms. His body was cool and comfortable.

It was already dark and the night wind of early winter stroke their faces, like a knife cutting in their faces. The cold wind kept pouring through Lisa's collar, and she shivered. Although it was cold, the temperature on her body also dropped.

Jungkook was afraid that she would catch cold. His guards handed his cloak.

He covered her with his cloak. Lisa was wrapped from the cold wind tightly, and the cold couldn't touch her.

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