Lisa had two bowls of porridge before she filled her stomach enough. After breakfast, she found that Jungkook had already returned to the residence.

Jungkook was in a good mood. He went in and changed his clothes, and said to her, "Do you want to go riding?"

Lisa was walking around the room when she heard this, she immediately stopped, her eyes brightened, and nodded, "Yes!"

She was ashamed to admit but she hadn't ridden a horse yet.

And Lisa remembered that the original owner could ride a horse well.

Every autumn, the emperor would personally preside over the equestrian competition. Noble young men and women were invited to participate.

In the book, there was a sentence that said, 'Lisa won the title in the women's category.'

Jungkook patted the back of her head and said, "Go change your clothes. I will take you to the horse farm."

Lisa then went to change into her riding clothes. Last night, her plans to fight Jungkook were all eaten by dogs.

Lisa was dressed in a red riding suit. Her hair was all set up. Her facial features stood up with elegance. She was gorgeous and beautiful.

When she arrived at the horse farm, Lisa found that it wasn't only the two of them, but also sixth prince and Ayun, who was beside him.

A Yun was warm and approachable. She also took the initiative to talk to her without putting on airs.

"Miss Song, I heard that you are good at riding. I don't know if I have the honor to see you today."

Lisa said with a smile, "I'm flattered."

She couldn't ride a horse, but maybe when she gets on the horse back, her instinct would probably kick in.

A Yun hid behind the sixth prince timidly. She seems to be afraid. She was timid and had a small voice.

She leaned out her small head from behind sixth prince, looked at her with concern, and asked in a low voice, "Miss Song, are you well?"

Lisa liked A Yun very much. The little girl was naive and lovely. When Lisa saw her, She wanted to be protect her. But it was a pity that she didn't see her name in the original book and didn't know her final ending. Maybe Lisa forgot about the plot, or maybe she didn't read carefully.

Lisa didn't realize it herself, but she had been looking at A Yun with eyes of pity and sympathy. After sixth prince ascended the throne and became the new emperor, the queen became Xuan Zhengqing, his former imperial concubine. Moreover, the new emperor had several beloved imperial concubines in his harem.

To put it another way, if A Yun was the woman locked up by the new emperor, she was also very miserable. Her life was only a few decades, and had no chance to escape from the shackles in her life.

Lisa had only seen A Yun twice, and each time she could only see her unreserved love for the sixth prince.

She smiled. "Yes, I'm fine now. Were you scared last time?"

A Yun looked like she was going to cry last time.

A Yun nodded her head in a funny way. She was really scared. She thought miss Song would die of pain.

Jungkook was not happy with how long she chatted with unimportant people, so he dragged her to pick horses.

Lisa picked a gentle looking foal from the stable. She patted the foal on the hip and said, "I'll pick this horse."

Wife can't escape 『 Liskook』Where stories live. Discover now