Chapter 5

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"Real queens fix each other's crowns"


We get to the new apartment and it's almost as good as the last one just with more space

Settling in I finally check my phone and Donavon has been texting and calling me all day

One of them say that I should come back and he'll let me go. He thinks I'm that dumb, wow

Switching off my phone I continue watching TV with Scar and a few minutes later I go to my new room to sleep to find the one person I didn't expect here

Luke Johnson

My psychotic, crazy ex boyfriend who almost killed me

Luke and I dated when I was 19 and we didn't actually do anything but it was a normal relationship with no killing and no problems until one day I found out he was involved with a mafia so I told someone about it and Luke killed him in front of me taking me to his house basement and started torturing me leaving scars, deep painful scars

I escaped and a few months later my parents were murdered and I still think it's him and no one can prove me wrong

"What are you doing here?" I asked trying to get my heart steady as it was beating rapidly

"Here to see you Rose" Luke said standing up and smirking

Rose no one calls me that anymore, I never let them and I never will

"Don't call me that" I said sounding like I just wanted to collapse

"Oh Rose you know I missed you the past three years, you didn't call or text" Luke said walking slowly towards me

Why would I call him of all people, I'm always busy anyway

"Why would I call you" I said trying to think of a way to go to my bathroom where my gun is, I should have had it on me

I walk towards the bathroom and to my suprise he doesn't stop me cause he still thinks I keep my gun under the mattress, don't get me wrong I do I just have two other guns another one is in my closet

Stepping in the bathroom I quickly go the cupboard to get my gun and it was not there

Where the hell is my gun

Luke enters the bathroom and pins me to the wall with a knife to my throat

"I'm not that stupid Rose" Luke says and I feel the knife make a small cut

I'm gonna kill him for this

I just kept and quiet and Luke stabs me in the stomach and left

What the hell

I walk to Scars room putting pressure and knock, when she opened the door she started asking too much questions and starts to call someone I think

"Hey Donavon it's Scarlet, Lia is bleeding really bad I need your help" she says tears flowing down her face

What! No! I'll rather die that be with him

After a few seconds I passed out

I wake up hearing something beep and when I opened my eyes I tried to adjust to the light and I looked around the room as Scarlet came up to me to see Luke, Liam and Donavon

"What is he doing here" I hiss as I winced in pain

Scarlet looks at me with worry and it looks like she hasn't slept in days or hours

How long was I out?

"I called him to help" Scarlet says

"No, Luke what is he doing here?" I ask once again

"He got here after he heard you were stabbed, do you any idea who it can be?" I narrow my eyes at Luke and he smiles like he's innocent

"I'll kill you!" I shout standing up from the hospital bed ignoring the pain and walking towards Luke but Donavon stops me

"I guess your not the best of friends" Donavon says

"We are not even friends"

"Yes we are we dated three years ago remember?" Luke asked smiling

"No I mean yes I do remember. You tried to kill me you stabbed me and I'm sure your the one who killed my parents so you better stay away from me before I kill you and I forgot you tortured me, you hurt me I almost died and you just left me there" I said tears rolling down my cheeks, I didn't even bother wiping them off

Everyone looked at Luke with shock and Donavon looked pissed

"What are you talking about?" Scarlet asks me

"Scar he has done bad things not only to me to you also" I said looking at Scarlet

She looked at me confused

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Luke is the one who almost rapped you the other night" I said remembering how scared she became after that night

Scar started crying and I just stood there having no power

"I think you should leave" Liam says

"No." I say looking at Donavon

They look at me like I'm crazy, maybe I am

"I think all of you should leave I'll stay woth Scar" I say breaking the silence

Liam just nods and motions for Luke to step out the room but he doesn't

Just before thet left I fell to the ground when I heard a gun go off and it hit me right in the stomach


I wake up once again the light blinding me as I tried to sit up but the pain increased

Donavon sees me waking up and he walks up to me standing next to the bed

"Scarlet and Liam just left" He says knowing I was going to ask him

I just nod

"How long was I out for?" I ask

"2 weeks and well your suppose to be dead Rosalia" He says looking at me worry

This was nothing new to me I have been tortured and shot many times now

He looks at me like he's looking for a reaction

"What happened to Luke?" I asked

"He ran away" He said sitting down on the chair

I nod

Luke will pay for what he has done if someone comes to stop me I swear to god I'll kill them too

Donavon looks at me now his eyes were empty, no emotion

And at that time I remember he runs a mafia, the italian mafia

"If you run the italian mafia you knew Luke didn't you?" I asked

He nodded

"He's one of our enemies" He says


Fav subject at school

word count: 1086

The Female AssassinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang