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A red light had appeared.

"Fuck...." Vera whispered as she clenched the wheel "Fuck!" She repeated as she clenched her teeth.

"FUCK!!" She yelled as she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall onto her bare thighs, as she was still in her Pajamas: a loos shirt and a pair of short pants.

"Please....." she pleaded as the tears never stopped rolling down her cheeks "Please be okay....." she whispered between sobs.

A loud honk from a car behind her caused her to snap open her eyes; she opened them and saw a green light shin, she pressed the gas.


Vera drove faster, the speed going up. All she wanted to do was get there. To Neo.

Please be okay...

Her hand shook as she turned to the left, the roads were mostly clear since it was late, however that didn't mean the drive was short.

"Neo..." Vera whispered as she tried to see through the tears in her eyes "You'll be fine..." she mumbled as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

He waited for me...he did.

All she wanted to see was Neo sitting there waiting for her, "We can talk it all over when i get there...." she whispered to herself "It will all be alright." Vera nodded to herself.

He will be fine.

"Almost there." She stated as she recognized the area "Almost there!" She yelled as more tears fell from her eyes.

She began crying but held herself back convincing herself hr is alright.

He is fine. He always is. We always make it work. No matter how hard it is.

"Come on...." she said as she went even faster "Neo....." Vera whispered.

He turned right, as she did another red light appeared "Goddammit!" She hit the wheel.

She reached and tightly clenched her hair "Goddammit...." she helplessly whispered as she cried.

This isn't the end...


Neo is okay.

She convinced herself even more thus tune because it felt different from the other times. Because deep down, Vera knew. That this might be the end. His end.

"Please..." she sobbed as she let her hand fall from her hair to the wheel, she held it tightly "Please." She cried even more.

She opened her eyes. Vera felt a stinging sensation in her eyes "It's okay." She said in a broken voice "He is okay." She took a deep breath, but the tears kept falling.

The light turned green. Vera pressed the gas and drove towards Neo.

She was really close, only two blocks away.

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