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The problem in relying on something is that it could be taken away from you in an instant. It could be a person, an object, a feeling. Once you put your whole soul, body, feelings into it, you become dependent on it unknowingly. You start to find yourself constantly needing it, you start to understand you can't live without it; When you start to think about your life without it....it all seems worthless.

The thing you depend on has a hold of you, it becomes something that controls you. You become nothing but a puppet, that thing is pulling the strings.

That is that problem. Because once it's ripped away from you, a part of you is ripped away. You lose sight of who you are. The strings broke, and you are left all alone. You forget who you were before it all, so you are left confused and helpless.

Things are destined to end. Promises are meant to be broken.

I suppose so were we.

Neo sat on the cold bathroom floor. Feeling nothing but utter emptiness.

It felt like it was all for nothing, everything. All that had happened was just for nothing. Just for those words to be said.

You can say it was my fault for depending on that one promise too much, and i agree.

Neo slowly closed his eyes, the action made his eyes sting. And the tears to stop flowing.

Nothing made sense anymore. It was all dark and cold. The roo felt unreal, it was all unreal.

Even when Neo closed his eyes, the darkness felt fake.

I wasn't sure what i was supposed to do.

As foolish as it was, i tried to think of one thing that was worth it. However, nothing came to mind. It was blank.

I knew it was time. That it was time to know, to understand. That it's time to let go.

The most comforting feeling for me was that i know i tried. I tried so hard. I fought them, i tried to fight for us, for me, for you, for everything.

But nothing goes according to plan right? Not even our lives.

Neo slowly opened his eyes, his pupils adjusting to the light. He blinked a couple of times trying to understand it all. To understand where he is. But the sounds of the water drops, the sound of the air vents made it all real.

Made the pain real.

Neo took a deep breath as he placed both of his arms on either side of himself.

I had to push myself one last time. But what comforted me was that it was all finally going to end. The feelings i had been fighting for so long will finally end.

He attempted to lift himself up. He groaned as his muscles felt sore and numb. He had been sitting there for so long.

Neo fell back down.

He panted as he felt like his body weighed a ton "Fuck..." he whimpered as he slowly slid down, his body limp on the floor.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora