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The rain was pouring. It seemed as there was no stop to it.

"I'm going for a smoke, i'll be right back." Said Neo as he got up from their booth at the restaurant.

"Ok, be careful though, it's pouring outside!" Called Vera as she watched him walk away; she sighed and snuggled closer to her boyfriend.

"Does he smoke often?" He asked as he looked down at the love of his life.

"Sometimes when he gets a bit..... never mind, he will be alright." Vera lovingly ran her hand through his black hair.

"If you say so." He replied with a smile.

Neo walked past the loud booths full of people, eating, laughing, and talking.

He reached the clear glass door and pushed it open, the warm air from the restaurant replaced with a cold breeze, the smell of rain immediately hitting his nose, the loud noise of the rain hitting the small metal roof above him.

Neo sighed and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, his breath seen as it was cold. He turned to the side and was greeted by two tables to his right, small ones, but for two people; no one sat there since it was raining heavily.

"Better than sitting in the rain..." he mumbled as he slowly walked to one of the tables, he took a hold of one of the metal chairs and positioned it to look out on the street.

He sat down heavily onto the chair, he sighed again, but a bigger breath this time was seen exiting his mouth.

Neo took out the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, he opened the pack, took one out, and put the lack back into his pocket.

He pulled out a lighter from the same pocket, he put the cigarette into his mouth, and positioned the lighter next to it, he covered the lighter with his hand, the wind was too strong.

Neo lit the cigarette and put the lighter back into his pocket. He took a long hit, he closed his eyes and slowly relaxed. He sunk into his chair and let the puff of smoke out; as he opened his eyes he saw the cars pass, the wheels passing puddles sending the water splashing; people passing by running hoping to get away from the rain, some walk past with an umbrella enjoying the cold season.

He held the cigarette between his fingers and took another hit. The rain was getting stronger, the cold wind blowing past.

As he took a hit, the smoke filled his lungs, the exit door opened, a warm breeze was felt as the quick action happened. Neo didn't bother to look who the person was that exited, he was more focused on relaxing and smoking.

"Excuse me, do you have a lighter i can borrow?" Spoke a person who Neo assumed was the one who exited.

Neo said nothing as he let out another puff of smoke, he turned to look at the person; a man was standing to his right, next to the empty chair, he was wearing a black long coat, his pale cheeks dusted with red since it was cold, his light brown hair flying in all directions as the wind plew past.

"Yeah." Neo said as he reached into his pocket and pulled his lighter out, Neo held out the lighter for the man to take. The stranger reached his hand and took the lighter from Neo, his fingers brushing Neo's palm.

"Thank you." He simply said as he pulled his box of cigarettes out and took one.

Neo nodded in acknowledgment and kept staring out at the street.

The stranger held out the lighter after successfully lighting up his cigarette "Here" he said.

Neo looked up and nodded, he took the lighter from the man and stuffed it into his pocket.

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