⇢︎ Chapter 19 : Unexpected

Start from the beginning

"This is where Omia used to be," Karma said as his group looked at the shrine, "The end where Sakimoto was cut down by assassins in 1867."

While Y/n's groups were fascinated by the shrine, Y/n couldn't help but gaze at the fake "toys" that were used for assassination. They were all old and ugly, but the way it was made for pure assassination fascinated Y/n.

"That's right and just a little further down is Hinogi temple," Nagisa pointed out, "Though it moved a few times since they built it."

"Oh yeah!" Kayano spoke up, "Oda's death counts as an assassination!"

Nagisa nodded, "Just think, in these few city's blocks a silo of high-profile assassinations went down! Sure, Kyoto had always been the heart of Japan but it's also a maca for professional killers."

"I never thought of it that way. Guess you can say that we're on an assassination vacation," Sugino claimed, he then looked at Y/n who hadn't said anything for a bit, "Hey, Y/n whatcha looking at?"

"Assassination toys that were used in the 1800s and early 1900s," Y/n said as he looked into the glass box filled with straw dolls for display. "I like them."

"Oooo! Assassination toys?? I wonder who they work," Kayano questioned as the group crowded around Y/n.

"The toys are highly toxic, which is amazing for any sort of assassination attempt back then, right?" Nagisa asked.

Y/n nodded, "*Assassins put toxic chemicals into the toys and give it to their target as a gift. The reason being is because most of their targets have kids, so they used that to their advantage. When the kid is playing with it, usually it would be all torn and ripped, causing the room to be intoxicated along with the child.

"In either days or months, the toxin sinks into the target's vital organs and blood, killing them with a seemingly natural cause like a heart attack or a tumor. It's amazing how something so cute could be so deadly at the same time..."

"Geez," Sugino shivered, "That is a brutal way to go out. I'm surprised that the assassin was caught."

"Yeah, with an assassin plan like that you would think the person behind it wouldn't get caught," Kanzaki added.

"Shiro Nakasato, the assassin behind the toxic doll, was caught red handed with poison in his house and was making the exact doll that killed so many emperors, empress, kids, and horary knights," Y/n stated with a shrug, "It was bound to happen though. Play the grim reaper, meet the grim reaper."

"It's scary on how you know this, Y/n," Sugino said with a sweatdrop.

"I like things that involve child toys, what can I say?"

"Still a bit scary though..."

"Shut it."

"Talk about off of the beaten path," Kayano commented as the group walked down an alleyway, "Kyon is a ghost town this far in

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"Talk about off of the beaten path," Kayano commented as the group walked down an alleyway, "Kyon is a ghost town this far in."

"Yeah, places like this place a cap on the amount of visitors they allow," Kanzaki stated, "So you don't just catch many people wondering around."

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