Chapter 5

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When the killer told you you'd be seeing him soon...

You didn't expect it to be this soon.

Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it was fluttering like a humming bird.

A thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, under which you were maneuvering past trees, pushing yourself to sprint further and further into the forest and away from the safety of your house.

The cold night air passing your face felt so sharp, almost as if it was cutting into your cheeks while you were trying your best not to trip over nothing like those chicks in scary movies, or run out of stamina in the process.

Once you stopped hearing footsteps chasing after you, you halted abruptly by a tree and fell down to your knees in exhaustion.

Your lungs were burning and screaming for air, your legs ripping apart.

You sucked in a large breath before slowly exhaling, taking the time to make sure you didn't pass out while your eyes flicked all around you to make sure you were alone.

Once you got yourself back in control, you got up and speed walked as fast as you could without pushing yourself too hard, disappearing further and further into the trees.

You shut your eyes, letting your body recover from the fast cardio you just did, but were unable to hold back a bone chilling scream that echoed through the woods.

Before you could comprehend what was happening, an arm constricted around your midsection from behind you as another lifted up from your left, pressing some sort of damp cloth firmly against your nose and mouth.

In your panic-stricken state, inhaling came as a reflex, but what you breathed in was most definitely not oxygen entering your airway.

You squirmed and struggled against your captor's hold, shaky fingers clawing desperately at their hand as a foreign scent slipped through your nostrils and mouth.

With each inhale, your vision started to blur as your mind screamed one word at you:


Your fight or flight instincts kicked in and as you gathered all your horror, you used it to stomp on his foot with all the might you had left.

It worked. Ghostface's grip over you released just enough for you to spin around, pulling your head back before hitting him square in the face with your elbow.

There was a pained grunt as you ended up stumbling forward breathlessly, barely able to keep yourself steady to your feet.

Everything spun around you and you only had seconds to spare to see the killer clutching at their masked face.

Your mind turned somewhere different as your legs propelled you forward once again, back into the direction of your house where your car was parked, swaying in every step.

If only you had listened to Gale.

After what felt like hours, you did make it to your car, losing your balance when you finally made it to the driver's door.

Since you lived so secluded, you never bothered locking it or pulling the keys out of the ignition, figuring you could make an easy escape in case anything happened.

It seemed your paranoia really paid off.

You locked the doors after jumping inside, the haze in your head only serving to drag you helplessly down a path of disastrous thoughts.

Your arm reached forward to where the key should have been.

Should have been, because they weren't there.

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