You could only do as much as take one step away into the direction of the kitchen before the phone rang again.

When you mustered up the courage to answer it, you wished you hadn't. "Listen, Gale. I'm sorry but..."

"Not Gale, I'm afraid."

You grimaced upon hearing the static voice, tightening your fist so hard your knuckles turned white and just about feeling your heart beat in your throat.

Your lack of words only encouraged him to keep up his talking. "I see we've gotten a bit quiet."

Your chest rose and fell as your breathing started to pick up in panic, but you didn't want to show it. "Fuck you. Leave me alone or–"

"Or...?" He dared, followed by a mirthless chuckle.

"I'm not going to play along with this!" You almost yelled into the speaker, threading a hand through your (H/C) locks.

You couldn't describe the feeling you had at the moment, but it was challenging your ability to breathe with how intense it was.

There came another deep and rugged laugh that echoed through the line.
"But I think you are... Go over to the window."

Chewing on your lip, your feet dragged you involuntarily toward the large glass.

Upon hesitantly pulling the curtains back, fully expecting to see something, the only thing your eyes were met with was the vast darkness of the night and a full moon hanging omniously in the sky.

"This play is just for you. You're gonna be my favourite actress."

Before long, you spotted movement to your right and sure enough, there, in the distance stood a silhouette— the very same one that nearly murdered you several times, holding a gleaming knife in his hand.

You slapped a hand over your mouth as you shrunk away from the glass terrified, blinking your eyes several times to make sure this wasn't just another bad dream.

But it wasn't. The figure remained there, just staring blankly at you, straight into your soul as every inch of your skin started to burn like a wildfire during the summer underneath their unseen gaze.

"I'll be generous and give you a ten second head start."

Your face contorted and you shivered at the realization that the person talking to you on the phone couldn't possibly be the one standing there, because they weren't holding a cell.

Run, run, run your mind chanted as you didn't dare peel your eyes away from the intruder, dropping the phone to the floor just as the countdown started. "10..."

The Ghostface not on the other end of the line tilted his head at you and had never looked more sinister with the pale light of the moon reflecting on the mask, as well as the fog starting to appear outside, almost cloaking him.


You whirled around and raced down the house, checking every single lock and window as unimaginable goosebumps littered your skin.

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