Protective- JJ Maybank

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summary- reader finds out what's going on with JJ and his dad, and she stops him from hurting him.

"Hey JJ." I greeted the blonde as he walked into John B's house. "Yo man what's with the sunglasses?" Pope asked. "Oh it's just super bright in here." "No it's not." Sarah said walking out from the bathroom. "Yeah dude it's not. Are you high or something?" Kie asked earning a laugh from everyone in the room. "No guys I'm not high." "So then take the glasses off." He hesitated for a minute but when I saw him take them off I noticed the black and blue mark surrounding his eye. "Oh my God." "JJ are you alright?" I asked running over to him. John B threw me a pack of frozen peas and I placed them onto JJ's eye causing him to flinch. He grabbed the peas out of my hand and walked out side. "I'll make sure he's okay." I quickly followed him out to where he was laying on the hammock.

"Hey bub." I said greeting my boyfriend. "Hey." He motioned for me to sit next to him. When I did, he pulled me down to lay with him. "Aren't the stars pretty?" "Not even as close to as pretty as you." "Such a charmer." I laced his fingers with mine and we sat in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes staring up at the stars.

"So, are you gonna tell me how you got the black eye?" "My dad." "He's still giving you shit?" "What else is new?" "Why don't you stay with me and my mom." "I don't wanna impose." "Your my boyfriend, you won't be imposing." He smiled at me. "At least stay there tonight, I'll take you too your dads in the morning. Maybe he'll be passed out drunk and won't notice." "Alright." "Alright good, now stop feeling bad for yourself and lets go have fun."

The Next Morning.

Just like I promised I took JJ home in the morning. "Thanks again y/n." He said getting out. "Anytime." I was gonna drive away, but I heard shouting. I threw my car into park and ran into the trailer. JJ's dad had JJ held up against the wall. I pulled him off of JJ and stood between them. "What's this your little girlfriend?" Neither of us said anything. "Fine, she may have saved you this time, but you'll come crawling back!" "Come on JJ, let's go." I brought him back out to my car. "Thanks for saving my ass, y/n." "Anytime, JJ."

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