She's Gone! (Danny Williams)

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summary- reader is danny's wife and steve's sister. she's a member of five o but she was recently deployed. danny and steve get some bad news. her and danny have a two year old son named matt together. The first part is based in season 3, the second part is based in season 6.

(Danny's Pov)
"Hey, where's Steve?" Kono asked walking into my office.
"He's in his office, why?"
"Two letters from the Navy. One for you, and one for Steve." I gave Kono a confused look but I followed her to Steve's office.
Kono handed me the letter and I read it aloud.
"It is with deep honors and condolences that we write to inform you that y/n Williams's helicopter was shot down, and nobody was found alive. Agent Williams has been declared missing and presumed dead."
"Shes gone?" I asked with tears welling up in my eyes.
"No she's not gone! She's not dead until they find her body!" Steve said getting up.
"Steve where are you possibly going!" I asked walking after him.
"To make some phone calls."

I sat in my office staring at the photo of y/n, Grace, Matt, Charlie, and I on our wedding day. Matt was only 1 in this photo but he still looked just like her.
"What do you want now Steve?"
"She's not dead."
"Yeah she is Steve! Look I know it hurts but she's gone! Face that!"
"Danny, I know how the Navy works! Most of the time when they say someone's missing it doesn't mean they're dead!"
"Yeah, and who's gonna survive a helicopter being shot down? Nobody. I get it she's your sister. It's hard believe me I would know!"
"Danny I'm not believing that she's dead until I see her body in a casket."

(3 years later; Steve's Pov)
I was on the way back to my house when I got a call from Catherine.
"Hey Catherine what's up?"
"Steve where are you?"
"I'm in my car going home, why?"
"I'm gonna send you and address to a hotel. Get here as soon as possible."
"Why is everything okay? Catherine!" I took the phone away from my ear to see that she hung up. I checked the address she sent me and did a u-turn on the highway quickly turning my sirens on.
It took me ten minutes to get to the hotel.
"Hi how can I help you?" The clerk asked.
"Is there a Catherine Rollins here?"
"Yeah. Shes on floor 4, room 483."
"Thank you." I ran up the stairs since they would be faster than the elevator and quickly made it to room 483.
I went to knock but I realized that the door was open so I pulled my gun out and walked in.
"In the bathroom!"
I put my gun in my holster and walked into the bedroom to see Catherine. I also saw y/n. She was bloody and bruised but she was alive.
"Steve?" She asked in a faint voice.
"Catherine what happened to her?"
"I'll tell you in the car but we need to get her to the hospital now!"
"I said no hospitals."
"Your losing too much blood your already starting to pass out. Keep your eyes open!" Katherine said to her but her eyes fluttered closed.
"Come on Steve, help me get her out of the tub." He nodded and grabbed her and carried her out bridal style.
"I'll call an ambulance."
"Now that will take too long. Let's take her in my truck." Catherine nodded and we made our way out to the truck. Catherine got in the backseat with her while I drove.

"Move out of the way!" I yelled carrying her into the hospital.
"Commander McGarrett? Is everything okay?" A nurse asked us.
"No my sister! She needs a doctor!"
"Alright bring her over to that bed right there. I'll get a surgeon quickly but you and your friend need to wait outside. Now."
"Come on Steve." Catherine dragged me out into the waiting room.
"Listen to me, you need to get your head on right. Call the team, call someone I don't care. You need to calm down."
"What happened to her?"
"She was taken hostage by the same people who shot down her helicopter. Her captors were being stupid and brought her back to Hawaii hoping that they could get ransom off of the team. Well she escaped, contacted me and I found her and brought her back to the hotel. They held for 3 years she's emotionally and physically scarred."
I sighed.
"I gotta call Danny."
"Steve you know that's not a good idea."
"Why not he's here husband."
"He might take this very badly Steve, seeing her like that after thinking she was dead for 3 years."
"I don't care Catherine. I'm calling him." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Danny.

(Danny's Pov)
I felt my phone vibrate so I pulled it out of my pocket.
It was Steve. I pressed decline and put my phone away. When it buzzed again with the message "call me ASAP. URGENT." I dialed his number.
"I'll be right back Melissa, I have to take this."
I walked away from the table just as Steve answered.
"What do you want Steve! I was gonna propose to Melissa tonight so unless someone's dying or.." He cut me off.
"Y/n's alive."
"Steve we've been over this. She's gone!"
"Danny I'm serious! I'm here with Catherine and Y/n at the hospital. She's alive."
"Alright, I'll be there in ten minutes." I hung up the phone and went over to the table.
"Here's money for a taxi and for dinner. I have to go."
I placed a 50 on the table and then grabbed my jacket. I got behind the wheel of my camaro and basically broke every traffic law getting to the hospital. When I got into the waiting room, I saw that Kono and Lou were already there.
"Where is she!" I said rushing over to Steve.
"The doctors had to take her to surgery. Danny she's gonna be fine."
I nodded and sat down in the chair.

(Hours later; Your Pov)
My eyes fluttered open and I had to adjust to the bright lights.
"Wha- Where am I?"
"Relax, your safe. Your in a hospital."
I looked over to the voice.
"I'm here. Your safe."
"I'm safe?"
"Your safe." He repeated with a smile. I felt relived for the first time in a long time. I was safe.

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