Run Away- Rafe Cameron

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Soooo I shouldn't have a soft spot for this man, but I do, so here's an imagine!! Request OBX imagines pls!!
Summary- Rafe tells reader he killed the sheriff and she comes up with a great idea.
"Y/N!" I peeled my eyes away from the tv that was playing in the Cameron's living room to see my boyfriend running through his house with blood all over his hands, Ward wasn't far behind him. "What happened, are you okay?" I asked rushing over to him. "I need to talk to you, now!" "Rafe, no." I heard Ward mutter from behind him. "I trust her dad!" I held Rafe's head in my hands so he was forced to look at me. "What is going on?" "I-i I killed Peterkins." He stuttered out. "You did what?" "I killed the sheriff." I let go of his face. "Oh my God, Rafe."

I took a step back, trying to grasp what he just told me. "What are we gonna do?" Ward asked.
"Okay, this is gonna sound crazy but I have an idea." "I'm all ears y/n." "Rafe needs to get out of the OBX before all the evidence points back to him." "That's a good idea. Rafe go pack." Rafe nodded and ran up the stairs to his bedroom. Ward ran his hands through his hair, and turned to me. "Do you have your passport?" "Yeah, its at my parents house." "Good. I need you to go with him." "You want me to go with him?" "Yeah." I followed Rafe into his office and he put stacks of money from his safe into a duffel bag. "Go to our vacation home in the Bahamas. Don't come back until this cools down, do you understand me?" I nodded. He handed me a set of keys. "I know your parents got you those flying lessons. These are the keys to our private jet, it's at the tarmac. Rafe knows where it is, fly to the Bahamas." "Okay, I will." "Take care of my boy, y/n." "I will." He nodded and I grabbed the duffel bag and ran downstairs, just as Rafe was coming out. "Come on, we gotta go!" I grabbed his hand and led him out to my car.

"Hey, everything is going to be okay." I reached my hand over to hold Rafe's. "We're gonna be okay." I drove through figure 8 and to my parents house. I told Rafe to stay in the car, while I went inside to get my stuff. My parents were eating at the dinner table. "Y/n, honey are you okay?" "I don't have time to talk." I rushed past them and upstairs. I threw as much as I could into my duffel bag and went into the safe that was at the top of my closet. I grabbed my passport. I grabbed the loaded pistol that was in there and put it in the back of my jeans, covering it with my shirt. I threw the duffel bag on my back and went downstairs. "Honey, what's going on?" "I have to go. I love you both." I slightly waved before walking back out to Rafe.

Rafe showed me where the plane was, and I got ready to take off. "You ready?" "I don't really have a choice do I?"

It took 9 hours to fly there, but we made it. We were free. We ordered a cab, and drove to the Cameron's estate. "We're safe now Rafe." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you y/n." "I love you too Rafe."

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